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Cannabidiol and Epilepsy Meta-Analysis

Project CBD

How often have we heard, “More research is needed,” from those who would prefer to see no change in policies that should be informed by science? From climate denial to cannabis prohibition, the demand for absolute scientific certainty is a call for inaction. It begs the question: When is there “enough” research? How about not enough to eliminate all uncertainties, but enough to recommend medical treatment or change policy?

Epilepsy 272
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This is Your Brain on Cannabis: The Truth About Marijuana and the Brain

Cannabis Cheri

Guest Post by Lanny Swerdlow, RN, LNC. Your brain thrives on cannabis. Far from being destructive and harmful to our brain, cannabis improves brain function, encourages regeneration of brain cells, protects healthy brain cells from death and stimulates creative and insightful cognition. The adult human brain contains between 100–500 trillion synapses with every cubic millimeter of the cerebral cortex containing roughly a billion of them.


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Medical marijuana can be used to treat Depression


Feelings of sadness can be normal in life. However, if the depression lasts more than a few days, it’s important to seek medical assistance. Depression can be situational, but Clinical Depression, which comes and goes and/or lasts for more than a few days, is a chemical imbalance within the central nervous system. For some, depression is “normal,” and many people convince themselves that they have to simply live with their illness.

Marijuana 189
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The Top Ten Medical Cannabis Developments of 2018

Americans for Safe Access

It has been an exciting year in the world of cannabis reform. From studies that underscore the therapeutic potential of cannabis to political changes that bode well for patients and consumers, there is much to celebrate. Before we close the books on 2018, let’s take a look back at ten of the most significant developments over the past year from ASA’s perspective and consider their impact.

Patients 168
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Where the Money Grows: Learning the Industry Trends in Medical Cannabis, Recreational Marijuana, Hemp, and Beyond

Speaker: Jonathan Bench, International Cannabis and Securities Business Attorney at Harris Bricken

The U.S. cannabis industry is still in its infancy, even though states began engaging with legalization in one form or another in the late 1990s. Today, many opportunities exist for individuals and businesses that want to engage in the industry. Some want to directly own licensed businesses, while others prefer to keep the industry at an arm’s length and merely profit from it.

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On the 2018 Farm Act: Can I Start Growing Hemp?

MJ Business Attorneys

The long-anticipated 2018 Farm Bill finally made its way to the President’s desk and Trump made hemp fans ecstatic when he signed it into law on December 20. With a provision legalizing the cultivation and distribution of hemp on the federal level, many are left wondering what the Act means for cannabis industry operators. What It Means. The language of the Bill removes cannabis plants with.3% THC or less from the Controlled Substances Act (CSA) entirely and designates such as the definiti

Hemp 165

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Cannabis for PTSD: Latest Scientific Evidence Shows Promising Results


People develop PTSD after experiencing a traumatic event or an event that is perceived as such. The brain stores that memory and the fight-or-flight emotional response related to it. Some people manage to naturally leave that memory where it belongs (in the past) but others develop flashbacks which then awaken the same emotional response. This happens because some people’s brains are wired in a way that gives an advantage to emotional responses over thinking, and it’s a cycle that is

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Wanna Get Higher than High? Don’t Hold Your Breath…


Everyone has their own unique set of ‘rules’ when it comes to getting higher than high. We’ve all tried all manner of weird and wonderful things to feel a bigger buzz – some of which turn out to be more successful than others. But then there are those standards that are followed instinctively by millions […]. The post Wanna Get Higher than High?

Cannabis 105
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How Medical Marijuana May Help Reduce Opioid Use

Kind Meds (Cannabis Education Blog)

“The People of the State of Arizona find and declare the following: A. Marijuana’s recorded use as a medicine goes back nearly 5,000 years, and modern medical research has confirmed beneficial uses for marijuana in treating or alleviating the pain, nausea and other symptoms associated with a variety of debilitating medical conditions, including cancer, multiple sclerosis and HIV/AIDS, as found by the National Academy of Sciences’ Institute of Medicine in March 1999.”.

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Women, Cannabis, CBD, Emotions and Moods


From anxiety and depression to menopause and mood disorders, cannabis can provide emotional relief for women. As women, our emotional landscape is influenced by a variety of factors, not the least of which are the hormonal impacts that start in puberty, continue through our childbearing years, and evolve during menopause. Research has also found that women experience more stress than men , particularly in the workplace — and the accompanying high levels of cortisol have lasting negative he

CBD 99
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The Importance Of Terpenes In Cannabis & Their Powerful Impact On Health

The Fresh Toast

The Importance Of Terpenes In Cannabis & Their Powerful Impact On Health The addition of different terpenes can help improve a cannabis user's mental and emotional state of being that takes them to another level. The post The Importance Of Terpenes In Cannabis & Their Powerful Impact On Health appeared first on The Fresh Toast.

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CBD & Cannabis Dosage Guide

Project CBD

It can be relatively easy to experience medical benefits from cannabis. A puff or two of tetrahydrocannabinol ( THC )-rich flower can do the trick for a lot of people. Smoking marijuana, however, is not the be-all and end-all of cannabis therapeutics. There are many ways to experience the medical benefits of cannabis, and some of them are even non-intoxicating.

CBD 272
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Understanding Full Spectrum CBD Oil and Why It Is Important

Cannabis Cheri

By Joy Smith. Readers of this blog have heard Cheri preach the benefits of “full-spectrum” CBD oil over CDB isolates or distillates. But what exactly is Full Spectrum CBD oil and why is it so important for health? Cannabidiol (or CBD) is one of the hundreds of different cannabinoids found in the Cannabis sativa plant. This non-psychoactive (meaning it doesn’t make you high) cannabinoid has been all the rage over the last couple of years.

Oil 222
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Medical Marijuana Can Help with the Effects of Traumatic brain injury


The National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke defines Traumatic brain injury (TBI) as “a form of acquired brain injury, occurs when a sudden trauma causes damage to the brain. TBI can result when the head suddenly and violently hits an object, or when an object pierces the skull and enters brain tissue. Symptoms of a TBI can be mild, moderate, or severe, depending on the extent of the damage to the brain.

Marijuana 190
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Height of Success: High Sobriety’s Dr. Sherry Yafai Talks Medical Cannabis


“To ask people to suffer through life and all that it throws at you is too much. To say for the rest of your life you can’t use anything is a bleak outlook on life. There has to be an in-between. You can’t say everything is evil. There’s appropriate situations to use medical cannabis whether you have an addiction problem or not.” – Dr. Sherry Yafai, High Sobriety’s Director of Research & Development.

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Lancet Medical Cannabis Study: If You’re Researching, Do it Right


The Lancet recently published a four year study on the efficacy of cannabis for pain among opioid users. This is the title that the media chose to report the studies findings: “ Australian Study Finds No Strong Evidence That Cannabis Use Reduces Pain or Opioid Use in People Living With Chronic Non-Cancer Pain.” While we applaud the authors and their work, the sensationalist title the media picked up is beyond misleading.

Media 94
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New data shows Cannabis replacing Alcohol and Pharmaceuticals in the U.S.

Leaf Science

A new U.S. study shows that more and more people are giving up alcohol and pharmaceuticals in favour of cannabis use. The groundbreaking study conducted by New Frontier Data surveyed over 3,000 adult Americans to show people from all age groups and demographics in the U.S. are moving away from alcohol and pharmaceuticals in favour of cannabis use. Taking cannabis user archetypes beyond the traditional medical/recreational binary, the study developed nine distinct cannabis consumer profiles and l

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The Endocannabinoid System: Here’s How it Keeps You Healthy and Happy


In order to consume cannabis in a responsible and efficient manner, you should completely understand what exactly goes on in our body when we introduce the active compounds from cannabis to it. The way these cannabis-derived compounds interact with our organism is really astonishing. The endocannabinoid system consists of cellular receptors that are found in very large amounts all throughout the body, and endocannabinoids —internally synthesized chemical compounds that entice these endocannabin

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How to Talk To Your Doctor About Becoming a Legal Medical Cannabis Patient


At the time of this article’s publishing, thirty states and the District of Columbia have enacted legislation permitting use of medical cannabis. Of those, nine states and DC have went a step further and legalized marijuana for all adults 21 and over. Although this is exciting for many advocates of the plant, many patients that are suffering from ailing health conditions are left wondering what this means for them, and how exactly all of these changes will impact their healthcare options.

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Medical Marijuana for Women’s Health

Kind Meds (Cannabis Education Blog)

Slowly, medical marijuana is being more openly accepted by the public as well as by physicians and medical health professionals. Medical marijuana is being utilized in medical and pharmacotherapy studies than at any other time in the history of modern medicine. Medical marijuana studies have shown that marijuana and its active ingredients – primarily CBD and THC – can offer a wide range of benefits in treating the main and ancillary symptoms of chronic and debilitating diseases.

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Athletes Continue to Turn to CBD Oil for Pain and Inflammation

Puff Puff Post

Although CBD has been a viable alternative to synthetic medications for decades, recent studies conducted by the FDA have pushed the plant compound into mainstream favor. With this newfound popularity, there has been an influx of interest in CBD amongst professional athletes seeking a reliable, natural alternative to synthetic pain relievers and anti-inflammatories.

Oil 81
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Drastic Increase in Scientific Research on Medicinal Cannabis

Sensi Seeds

Cannabis Remains Prohibited Despite Legislative and Scientific Progress. Although cannabis remains a banned substance in many countries, over the past few decades the trend towards regulating its use for medical and therapeutic purposes has been consolidating globally. Much remains to be done if the progress made is to be secured, but it is clear that changes are taking place in the global debate on drug policy , especially with regard to cannabis.

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Trade-In Your Ibuprofen for Cannabis

Project CBD

Pain from inflammation can and will likely affect all adults at some point in their lives, and for some, become chronic conditions that interfere with a normal quality of life.

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Why and How Does Marijuana Work? Understanding Cannabinoids

Cannabis Cheri

Guest post by Lanny Swerdlow, RN, LNC. Due to its psychoactive properties, THC gets all the hype, but it is only one of about 60 cannabinoids found in marijuana. These complex organic molecules found in cannabis have a profound effect on our bodies if for no other reason than we naturally produce cannabinoids, called endocannabinoids, for a virtual cornucopia of physiological processes.

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5 Medical Cannabis Strains That Can be Used to Treat PTSD


5 cannabis strains to treat PTSD? The National Academies of Sciences reports that PTSD is a stressor-related disorder which develops as a result of a patient’s exposure to a traumatic event. The psychological symptoms that develop because of the trauma affect mood, cognition, memories (both suppression and the inability to form new memories) and physical health.

Strains 190
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OregonCBD Uses Intelligent Breeding and DNA-Based Tools to Disrupt Hemp Extract Market

Medicinal Genomics

In a recent episode of the Shaping Fire podcast , host Shango Los sat down with Seth Crawford, Ph.D. to discuss his blooming seed business, Oregon CBD. The published sociologist-turned cannabis breeder entered the industrial hemp market in 2015, partnering with his brother Eric. Their goal was to disrupt the hemp extract market by breeding CBD-rich plants derived from medicinal cannabis plants that would replace the low-cannabinoid, low-terpene producing fibrous hemp plants that were being used

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Medical Marijuana Products We’re Loving


It can be hard to find quality medical marijuana products, especially with so many brands coming out at once. That’s why we created PrestoDoctor Shop. We want to help patients find only the best medical marijuana products to help treat their condition. We love all the products listed, but some definitely stand out! Learn about some of the medical marijuana products we’re loving!

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How Does CBD Affect the Endocannabinoid System?

Green Relief

How Does CBD Affect the Endocannabinoid System? The endocannabinoid system exists to respond to endogenous cannabinoids produced by the human body. However, scientists have learned that the system will also recognize and respond to cannabinoids from external sources, including the phytocannabinoid cannabidiol. According to the National Institutes of Health , manipulating the endocannabinoid system by introducing external cannabinoids like CBD could be useful in treating a variety of medical ailm

CBD 81
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Using Cannabis for ALS: Benefits, Research and Best Strains


In this comprehensive guide, we are exploring the research on using cannabis for treating Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS)—a rare neuron disease that targets the motor neurons in the body. Because of the very rapid progression of ALS in the majority of patients, understanding how cannabis could help in the alleviation of symptoms is incredibly important for ALS sufferers.

Strains 94
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How cannabis can help during your period


A large proportion of women have several symptoms before and during their period , no matter their age, physical condition or medical record. Furthermore, the days before the start of menstruation are sometimes the hardest for most of them, with a group of symptoms commonly called PMS or premenstrual syndrome. For centuries, medical marijuana has been used across the world for its therapeutic potential, and menstrual cramps are not an exception.

Sleep 81
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Turkey Stuffing with Cannabis That’ll Take the Pain Out of Thanksgiving

Kind Meds (Cannabis Education Blog)

Everyone knows that stuffing is a staple of an American Thanksgiving dinner. Some people who use cannabis may want to try adding marijuana-infused dishes to their Thanksgiving celebrations, and others may simply want a change of pace from the usual cornbread stuffing. If you’re curious about ways to mix it up this Thanksgiving or if you think your guests (your responsible adult guests) would enjoy cannabis-infused stuffing, check out these recipes and remember that Kind Meds in Mesa, AZ offers s

Food 88