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Medicinal properties of CBD


An important point to highlight is the study recently published on the Cannabis and Cannabinoid Research website (June 2016) which shows that orally taken CBD may turn into THC due to the action of the digestive juices in the stomach. Thus, using CBD sublingually (under the tongue) is recommended so it does not reach the digestive system.

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Cannabis for Lupus: Here’s How Cannabinoids Relieve Inflammation


However, keep in mind that because of the digestion process, edibles need more time to kick in compared to smoking. Tinctures and topicals are a good choice for rashes, swelling and joint pain. Here’s how you can contribute your thoughts on this topic: Do you have a preferred strain for managing your lupus symptoms?

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The Immortality Key: Lost on The Road to Eleusis


Brian Muraresku ’s The Immortality Key has taken the topic of entheogens and religion, particularly entheogens and Christianity, into Mainstream Culture, which is an incredible achievement in and unto itself. It is intended as a general, journalistic intro to a very niche topic for a very broad readership. About The Immortality Key.