NORML Registers Voters for National Voter Registration Day

NORML is excited to once again be part of a national effort to strengthen our democracy by registering voters on September 22, 2020, National Voter Registration Day.

As a nonpartisan holiday celebrated by a diverse coalition of organizations and individuals, across sectors and across the country, National Voter Registration Day is the perfect opportunity to get involved no matter what party you support or which issues matter most to you. First celebrated in 2012, National Voter Registration Day has become a national holiday when NORML, along with thousands of organizations and volunteers, organizes to ensure our family, friends, and neighbors are registered to vote and ready to cast a ballot.

Register to Vote

We invite you to register to vote and learn more and use #NatlonalVoterRegistrationDay and #VoteReady on social media to spread the word!

Once you’re registered to vote, there’s a lot of other ways you can get involved:

We’re really excited to be able to join thousands of groups across America for this important national holiday. Thanks so much for your support!

The team at NORML

P.S. For over 50 years, NORML’s efforts have been supported by individuals just like you. If you can, please chip in today to help us keep fighting to legalize America.