HealthStrains & products

Does delta-8 really help you sleep?

Presented ByMOONWLKRPublished on August 26, 2021 · Last updated July 14, 2022
delta-8 sleep
This article is sponsored MOONWLKR. Image courtesy of MOONWLKR

MOONWLKR’s community of delta-8 devotees tell all.

As delta-8 THC grows in popularity, many early adopters are reporting back on its potential as a sleep aid. But does it live up to the hype?

In case you’re not familiar with delta-8 THC, let’s get you caught up: The THC you’re most familiar with is delta-9 THC, the main psychoactive ingredient in cannabis, which is still federally illegal. But hemp-derived CBD—which is what you find in over-the-counter and mail-order CBD products—can be synthesized in a lab to delta-8. It’s very similar chemically to classic THC, but different enough that it’s not regulated the same way. Its effects are still euphoric, but not quite the same. Some describe it as the halfway point between CBD and THC.

What is delta-8?

We’re learning a lot about delta-8 THC, but scientific research on the cannabinoid is still in its infancy. What we know about its effects is anecdotal, but loyal consumers report that the results are very real. And while some are using delta-8 for the “high” it produces, many people are reporting relying on it for something more essential: Sleep. Aptly named retailer MOONWLKR is a big one people turn to for a trip to dreamland, especially those in states still under cannabis prohibition.

delta-8 sleep
Courtesy of MOONWLKR

But is it really working? Like any cannabinoid, the way delta-8 affects your body is going to be unique to you. But for these members of the MOONWLKR community, it’s a resounding yes.

Does delta-8 help you fall asleep?

“Fell into a sleep like death, by which I mean I slept and didn’t wake up every hour,” writes Renee Boyet of MOONWLKR’s Watermelon Zkittlez gummies. “I was on a [medication] for ten years… spent the last six months of 2020 weaning myself off and my previous sleep problems have been haunting me. Sleep paralysis, nightmares, restlessness, unable to fall or stay asleep.”

“Fell into a sleep like death, by which I mean I slept and didn’t wake up every hour”

After taking delta-8, Boyet says she finally fell asleep and stayed asleep. She describes the gummies’ effects as “not unlike a massage,” and adds that an hour after it takes effect, “there’s no way I can remain awake, which is ideal because this woman needs good sleep.”

This is emerging as a common theme among delta-8 consumers: They’ve tried everything, and nothing worked until they found delta-8.

“The Pineapple Express gummies have been helping me and my wife sleep,” writes Richard Christensen. “No more sleeping pills.”

“I tried melatonin and prescriptions, and they didn’t work,” says Telesforo Galvan. “I took one gummy maybe 30 or 45 minutes before bed and BOOM, I was out like a light!”

delta-8 sleep
Courtesy of MOONWLKR

For some delta-8 devotees, it even worked better than other cannabis products.

“I took one gummy maybe 30 or 45 minutes before bed and BOOM, I was out like a light!”

“I’m a medical patient but I just haven’t found what I need to help me sleep,” writes Jamie Viars, who recommends starting with small doses to see how you feel. “I tried these on a desperate whim and have now brought five family members and friends to the MOONWLKR side.”

“I’ve had bad anxiety and sleep problems for as long as I can remember,” writes Sumayo Hussein. “I started taking CBD products last summer which sorta helped… and then I tried delta-8 and I know this would be [a] game changer.”

The intersection of sleeplessness and discomfort

We know as much about delta-8 for sleep as we know about delta-8 for anything, with only anecdotal evidence for its effects on chronic pain. But many in the MOONWLKR community with chronic pain also have trouble sleeping—and have noticed that delta-8 is a uniquely good fit.

“I suffer from a spine disease and have difficulty getting comfortable, falling asleep, and having a restful night,” explains Joseph Vernice. “One half to a whole MOONWLKR Pineapple Express D8 gummy an hour or so before I’m ready to turn in for the night is a lifesaver.”

“I ate one gummy an hour before bedtime and subsequently had one of the best night’s sleep I’ve had in 20 years.”

Kenneth Burritt says he has debilitating spine arthritis, along with other conditions that make sleep difficult. He says when his sample pack arrived, “I ate one gummy an hour before bedtime and subsequently had one of the best night’s sleep I’ve had in 20 years.”

Some delta-8 enthusiasts come back with deeply emotional stories about a life-changing experience.

“My mom suffered from two aneurysms and a [stroke] in the span of two years,” writes Skyler Byrd. Her mother also has abdominal migraines, which make it difficult for her to eat. “I gave her a [MOONWLKR] sample pack and not only did she feel like she was on cloud 9 [that] she was able to eat, but [she said] she got the best sleep of her life.”

delta-8 sleep
Courtesy of MOONWLKR

How to integrate MOONWLKR delta-8 gummies into your bedtime routine

To get started, hit up MOONWLKR for a free sample pack. Then it’s time to get cozy.

Delta-8 will affect different bodies in different ways, so start slow and leave a lot of buffer timing-wise, since like other cannabis edibles, they could take anywhere from 30 minutes to 2 hours to kick in.

When you’re ready to settle in for the night, take a quarter or half of a 25mg gummy in your desired strain. Wait a couple of hours before increasing your dose that night—although it’s possible you’ll be asleep by then!

Right now, MOONWLKR is giving sample packs away for free with no commitment to buy. Snag your free gummies today.

Leafly novel cannabinoid disclaimer:

Use and possession may be restricted by law. This product may expose you to harmful chemical byproducts.

Presented ByMOONWLKR
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