
Star signs and cannabis strains: April 2023 horoscopes

Published on April 1, 2023 · Last updated April 3, 2023
Psychedelic space illustration that reads "Stars & Strains"
(Savina Monet for Leafly)

Hello stargazers and welcome to the wonderful month of April. This month is looking to be an exciting and transformative month for many of us. With the sun moving through impulsive and passionate Aries for the first few weeks, expect to feel a surge of energy and enthusiasm for starting new projects and taking risks. This is a time to go after what you want with all your heart, so take a chance and let your inner fire guide you.

Mid-month, as the sun shifts into grounded and sensual Taurus, energy slows down a bit, but the focus on pleasure and enjoyment remains strong. This is a great time to indulge in your favorite foods, take a relaxing vacation, or simply spend time in nature. Taurus energy encourages us to slow down and appreciate the simple things in life, so embrace taking a break and enjoy the moment.

Towards the end of the month, the full moon in Scorpio on April 27 brings intense emotions and deep transformations to the surface. Time to confront your fears and purge any old patterns that are holding you back. It may feel uncomfortable at first, but the rewards of facing your shadow self are worth it. Trust that the universe is guiding you towards your highest good, and embrace the changes that come your way with open arms.

Your April horoscope


Ram on pink background with blunts and word "Aries"
(Savina Monet for Leafly)

Happy birthday, Aries! As the first sign of the zodiac, Aries is considered the most bold, frank, and spontaneous sign.

A wild month awaits you, my friend. The universe is sending you some major energy, and it’s up to you to harness it and make the most of it. Your ruling planet, Mars, will move through your sign all month long, which means feeling like you can take on the world. You’ll have a lot of drive and motivation, so don’t waste it! Use that energy to make progress on your goals, whether work-related or personal. Just be sure to take some time to chill and relax too.

Around the middle of the month, you may feel some tension in your relationships. Venus is moving through your seventh house of partnerships, which means there could be some conflicts or disagreements with your significant other, business partner, or close friend. But don’t stress too much, Aries.

This is just a temporary blip, and with some open communication and compromise, you’ll be able to work things out. Stay true to yourself and your needs, because you don’t want to give up too much of yourself just to keep the peace. Overall, April is going to be a month of growth, progress, and maybe a little bit of drama. But you got this, Aries!

April strain: Fiery Aries, you are unconventional and rebellious; this strain is a perfect match for you. Even the most law-abiding citizens among you will want a taste. Outlaw’s initial impact comes quickly and powerfully, but evens out to anuplifting, clear-headed buzz over time. This bud is sure to ignite your spirit and fuel you up this month.

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Bull head on light green background with cannabis border with word "Taurus"
(Savina Monet for Leafly)

Welcome to April, Taurus! Get ready to kick back and relax because this month is all about taking it easy. Your ruling planet, Venus, moves through your sixth house of health and work, which means it’s time to prioritize self-care. Take a breather and focus on your physical and mental wellbeing. You deserve it, dude.

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Take the time to declutter your workspace and get organized. You’ll feel more productive and less stressed once everything is in order. And who knows, you might even find some lost treasures buried under those piles of papers.

Around the end of the month, you may feel a boost of creativity and inspiration. Mars is moving through your fifth house of creativity and pleasure, so you’re going to have some major artistic vibes going on. Take advantage of this energy and indulge in some hobbies that bring you joy. Write some poetry, paint a picture, or play a few records.

Let your imagination run wild, Taurus, and don’t be afraid to share your creations with others. You might be surprised by the positive feedback and encouragement you receive. Go ahead and embrace your inner artist, Taurus. This month is the perfect time to let your creative freak flag fly.

April strain:Happy Hiker offers a happy and uplifting high that’s perfect for exploring the beauty of the natural world. With its fresh and herbal flavor profile and energizing effects, this sativa-dominant hybrid is like a hike through a sun-dappled forest—invigorating, refreshing, and full of joy. As a Taurus looking to reconnect with the world around you, grab your backpack, pack your favorite pipe, and hit the trails with Happy Hiker by your side.

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two women looking at each other over sky background with pipes with word "Gemini"
(Savina Monet for Leafly)

Welcome to April, Gemini! This month is all about communication and networking, which is right up your alley. Your ruling planet, Mercury, moves through your third house of communication and social connections, which means you’ll be a social butterfly all month long.

With your major charisma going on, don’t be surprised if you find yourself making new friends or connections left and right. This is also a great time to start a new project or venture, especially if it involves writing or speaking. Your communication skills are on point, so make the most of them!

Around the middle of the month, you may feel some tension in your relationships. Venus is moving through your fifth house of romance and pleasure—there could be some conflicts or disagreements with your significant other or a potential love interest.

But don’t worry, Gemini. This is just a temporary bump in the road that some open communication and compromise will smooth out. Keep your feet on the ground and your head out of the clouds; with Jupiter in Aquarius, there’s a danger of overindulging or taking on more than you can handle. So stay grounded, stay focused, and stay true to yourself, Gemini. You’re sure to come out on top.

April strain: People say there’s two distinct sides to you, Gemini, and word on the street is there’s a comparable complimentary hybrid out there. Two Beards is known for its potent effects, including relaxation, euphoria, CBD content, and increased creativity. Some users also report feeling energized and focused after consuming this strain.

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Energizing strains to make spring cleaning a breeze


Crab on blue watery background with glass rigs in border and word "Cancer"
(Savina Monet for Leafly)

It’s April, Cancer! This month is all about balance and harmony. Your ruling planet, the Moon, is moving through your second house of finances and values, which means it’s time to get your money situation in order. Take a good look at your budget and see where you can make some adjustments. You’ll feel more secure and in control once your finances are balanced. This is also a great time to re-evaluate your values and priorities. What’s important to you, Cancer? Make sure your actions and decisions align with your core values.

Around the end of the month, you may feel a surge of creativity and inspiration. Mars is moving through your fourth house of home and family, which means major nesting vibes. Use this energy to spruce up your living space or tackle a home improvement project. You might feel inspired to spend more quality time with your loved ones.

Maybe host a game night or a family dinner. Whatever you do, make sure it brings you joy and nourishes your soul. Overall, this month is going to be a month of finding balance, getting inspired, and making your house feel like a home. Enjoy the ride.

April strain: Sweet Jane is known for its intense fruity aroma with notes of grapefruit, lemon, and mango. This fragrant strain will appeal to your strong connection to your senses, and enhance how you use them to navigate the world. The strain’s uplifting and euphoric qualities may also help to boost your mood and release any pent-up emotions. 

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Lion on pink weed leaf background with joints and word "Leo"
(Savina Monet for Leafly)

Welcome to April, Leo! This month is all about taking care of yourself and finding balance. Your ruling planet, the Sun, is moving through your sixth house of health and work, which means it’s time to prioritize your physical and mental wellbeing. Make sure you get enough sleep, exercise, and healthy food. You’ll feel more energized and productive once your body is in balance.

This is also a great time to re-evaluate your work-life balance. Are you putting too much energy into your job and neglecting other aspects of your life? Make sure you’re creating a healthy balance between work and play.

Around the end of the month, you may feel a surge of creativity and inspiration. Mars is moving through your third house of communication and social connections, which means some major charisma and charm going on. Use this energy to connect with new people and network.

You might also feel inspired to start a new creative project, like writing a book or making a short film. Whatever you do, make sure it brings you joy and allows you to express yourself. Overall, this month is going to be a month of finding balance, taking care of yourself, and tapping into your creative side. Embrace the energy, Leo, and enjoy the ride.

April strain:Blue Mountain Fire is a hybrid strain that puts the best of its parent strains, Blueberry and Fire OG, on full display. It is known for its potent effects, including relaxation, pain relief, and a euphoric high. The euphoric and uplifting effects of Blue Mountain Fire may help to enhance your mood and provide a sense of optimism and motivation.

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Virgo maiden on light green background with word "Virgo"
(Savina Monet for Leafly)

Welcome to April, Virgo! With the Sun in Aries and Mercury in Taurus, you’ll feel the urge to clean up your act and streamline your life—from your closet to your inbox to your relationships. With Saturn in Aquarius, discipline and focus to tackle even the toughest tasks will come easy, so don’t be afraid to take on that big project or make that tough decision.

With Venus in your house of health, wellness, and self-care, it’s also important to prioritize your own needs and take time for rest and rejuvenation. So grab your planner, your to-do list, and your favorite herbal tea, Virgo, and get ready to conquer the world one organized step at a time.

Your ruling planet, Mercury, is moving through your third house of communication and social connections, which means it’s time to connect with others and express yourself. This is a great time to speak up and share your ideas with others. You might also feel inspired to learn something new, like taking a language course or reading a book on a new topic. Embrace your curiosity and thirst for knowledge, Virgo!

April strain: With its nutty and fruity notes, this hybrid strain is like a crunchy, granola bar in bud form. But don’t be fooled by its wholesome facade—Granola Funk also packs a punch with its high THC content, making it a potent choice for the discerning Virgo who wants to relax and unwind after a long day of chasing perfectionism. With your attention to detail and love for all things natural and earthy, you’ll love this bud.

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Scales on yellow and blue sky background with pipes in the corners and word "Libra"
(Savina Monet for Leafly)

Welcome to April, Libra! This month is all about finding balance and creating harmony in your life. Your ruling planet, Venus, is moving through your 12th house of spirituality and intuition, which means tapping into your inner wisdom and connecting with your spiritual side.

You might feel inspired to meditate or practice some form of mindfulness. Trust your instincts and listen to your intuition, Libra. This is also a great time to let go of any grudges or negative energy holding you back. Release what no longer serves you and make space for positivity and growth.

Around the end of the month, you may feel some tension in your work life. Mars is moving through your 10th house of career and reputation, which means you could encounter some challenges or conflicts with your colleagues or boss. Don’t let the stress get to you, Libra.

This is just a temporary setback, and with some patience and persistence, you’ll overcome any obstacles. Just remember to prioritize your well-being and balance your work and personal life. Overall, this month is going to be a month of spiritual growth and career challenges for you, Libra. Embrace the journey and trust in the universe.

April strain: Like a perfectly balanced cocktail, this hybrid strain offers just the right mix of relaxation and euphoria—a delightful choice for the Libra who wants to unwind with a sense of harmony and balance.

Plus, with its bright orange hairs and frosty trichomes, Colorado Creamsicle is a visually stunning strain that will appeal to the Libra’s love of beauty and aesthetics. It’s like sipping a perfectly crafted creamsicle while basking in the beauty of a Rocky Mountain sunset—what more could you ask for?

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The ultimate 420 guide


Scorpion on blue tie dye background with word "Scorpio"
(Scorpio by Savina Monet for Leafly)

Welcome to a hit-the-ground-running April, Scorpio. This month is all about taking action and making progress on your goals. Your ruling planet, Mars, moves through your ninth house of higher learning and travel, so you might feel inspired to explore new opportunities and expand your horizons.

Whether it’s a road trip, signing up for a course, or planning a trip abroad, embrace the adventurous energy and go for it. You might also feel more assertive and confident in your beliefs and ideas. Speak up and share your thoughts with others.

Around the middle of the month, you may feel some tension in your relationships. Venus is moving through your 11th house of friendships and social connections, which means there could be some conflicts or misunderstandings with your close friends or acquaintances. But don’t worry, Scorpio. This is just a temporary setback, and with some open communication and understanding, you’ll be able to work things out.

Overall, this month is going to be a month of adventure and growth, with some relationship challenges along the way. Embrace the journey, Scorpio, and trust in the universe.

April strain:Wish Mountain is an indica-dominant hybrid that boasts a deep and complex flavor profile, with hints of earthiness and pine that evoke the rugged, untamed beauty of the wilderness.

But don’t be fooled by its calming effects; like the Scorpio, Wish Mountain has hidden depths and a potent punch that can take you by surprise. It’s the kind of strain that takes you on a mystical journey through the mountains, unlocking the secrets of the universe one toke at a time.

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Hooved archer on pale pink background with joints in the corners and word "Sagittarius"
(Savina Monet for Leafly)

Welcome to April, Sagittarius! Get ready to stretch your legs and your mind, because this month is all about adventure and exploration. With the Sun in Aries and Jupiter in Aquarius, the universe is calling you to break free from old routines and seek out new horizons, whether that’s by traveling to a far-off land, trying a new cuisine, or simply trying out a new perspective on life.

With Mercury in Taurus, your communication skills will be at an all-time high, so don’t be afraid to share your ideas and your passions with the world. Just be sure to stay grounded along the way. As Neptune flares in your house of relationships, you face the danger of getting swept up in a romantic or idealistic dream and losing sight of reality. So stay true to your heart, stay open to new experiences, and enjoy the ride, Sagittarius. The world is your oyster, and the possibilities are endless.

April strain: With its sweet, fruity flavor and uplifting effects, Rocky Mountain Blueberry bursts with terps of fresh mountain air that will invigorate the Sagittarius spirit and inspire them to new heights of creativity and exploration.

It’s the perfect companion for the Sag on their next journey, be it trekking through the Rockies or simply seeking out new experiences in their own backyard. So pack your bags and grab your bowl. It’s time to hit the trail with Rocky Mountain Blueberry by your side.

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Horned goat on green background with cannabis border and the word "Capricorn"
(Savina Monet for Leafly)

Welcome to April, Capricorn! This month is all about self-care and taking care of your physical and emotional well-being. Your ruling planet, Saturn, moves through your first house of self and identity—time to prioritize yourself and your needs.

This is a great time to focus on your health and fitness, whether it’s starting a new workout routine, trying out some healthy recipes, or scheduling a check-up with your doctor. Don’t neglect your mental health, either. Make time for self-reflection, mindfulness, or therapy if needed. Remember, taking care of yourself is not selfish, it’s necessary.

Around the middle of the month, you may feel some tension in your home life. Mars is moving through your fourth house of home and family, which spells conflicts or disagreements with your family members or roommates. But no need to worry, Capricorn.

This is just a temporary setback. Just remember to stay calm and level-headed, and don’t let the stress of your home life affect your well-being. Overall, this month is going to be a month of self-care and family challenges for you, Capricorn. Embrace the journey, stay true to yourself, and trust in the universe.

April strain: Arctic Sun offers a clear-headed and focused high perfect for powering through the day. With its bright, citrusy flavor and uplifting effects, this sativa-dominant hybrid is like a burst of sunshine on a crisp winter morning—invigorating, energizing, and ready to take on the world. For a Capricorn looking to stay on top of their game, Arctic Sun is the perfect strain to light up the path to success.

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Water flowing out of pitcher on blue sky background with the word "Aquarius"
(Savina Monet for Leafly)

Welcome to April, Aquarius! This month is all about creativity and self-expression. Your ruling planet, Uranus, is moving through your fifth house of creativity and fun, which means letting your inner artist shine. This is a great time to explore new hobbies, try out new creative projects, or express yourself in a way that feels authentic to you.

Don’t be afraid to take risks and try something outside of your comfort zone, Aquarius. The universe supports your creative endeavors, so let your imagination run wild.

Around the end of the month, you may feel some tension in your friendships and social life. Venus is moving through your ninth house of higher learning and travel, which means there could be some conflicts or misunderstandings with your friends or social circles.

Just remember to stay true to yourself and your beliefs, and don’t compromise your values for the sake of fitting in. Overall, this month is going to be a month of creative exploration and social challenges for you, Aquarius. Stay true to your inner voice, embrace your uniqueness, and trust in the universe.

April strain: Space Cowboy offers a mind-bending and psychedelic high perfect for exploring the outer reaches of the universe. With its fruity and earthy flavor profile and trippy effects, this hybrid strain takes you on a journey through the cosmos full of wonder, discovery, and mind-bending insights. For an Aquarius looking to blaze a trail into the future, hop on your cosmic steed and ride into the unknown with Space Cowboy by your side.

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Two fish swimming near each other with bongs on blue and pink background with word "Pisces"
(Savina Monet for Leafly)

Welcome to April, Pisces! This month is all about finding balance and harmony in your relationships. Your ruling planet, Neptune, is moving through your 7th house of partnerships, which means it’s time to focus on your romantic and business relationships.

This is a great time to deepen your connections with your partner or collaborate with your business partners. Make sure to communicate openly and honestly with them and listen to their needs as well. Remember, a successful partnership is all about give and take.

The middle of the month may come with some tension in your career and professional life. Mars moves through your 10th house of career and reputation, so watch out for conflicts or power struggles with your colleagues or superiors. But with some strategic thinking and patience, you’ll be able to navigate the situation successfully.

Just remember to stay focused on your goals and don’t let the stress of your professional life affect your personal relationships. Overall, this month is going to be a month of relationship balance and career challenges for you, Pisces. Embrace the journey, trust in the universe, and keep swimming forward.

April strain:Rocky Mountain High offers a tranquil and serene high perfect for tapping into the creative depths of the mind. Earthy and piney flavor profile and calming effects make this hybrid strain feel like a hike through the misty mountains, full of mystery, enchantment, and endless possibilities. Should you want to unlock the secrets of the universe, take a puff of Rocky Mountain High and let your mind soar to new heights of imagination and wonder.

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Check out last month’s horoscopes.

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Carmen Ramirez
Carmen Ramirez
Carmen Ramirez is a Cuban American astrology and cannabis enthusiast raised in Miami, FL. She’s a Pisces who loves baking, coffee, and live music. When she’s not camping in her van, she lives in Evergreen, Colorado.
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