Delivery Coming Soon!


Peninsula Alternative Health is excited to share that we will soon be offering delivery across Maryland!

3 Major Benefits of Delivery

  • Saves You Time and is Convenient

  • Allows Us To Reach Community Members Without Transportation

  • Guarantees Privacy

As we’ve grown over the last few years, we’ve helped patients with all types of backgrounds receive their medicine. By expanding our services with our drive-thru, and now with delivery, our goal is to save our patients time and energy, reach patients who don’t have transportation, and guarantee their privacy when doing so.

Delivery Is Convenient and Saves You Time

By using our delivery service, you can save yourself time by not having to travel to our dispensary locations. Instead, simply place an order online, and our delivery staff will bring your medicine directly to you!


Delivery Allows Us To Reach Our Community Members Without Transportation

We know that there is a percentage of our patient population who has limited or zero access to transportation.

Not everyone can drive, has a car, or has access to public transportation, so our goal with creating our delivery service is to reach more of this underserved population so they have access to the medicine they need.


Guarantees Privacy

With our delivery service, you will no longer need to come into our location, and thus no longer need to worry about your privacy and being seen.

Delivery offers you the option of staying at home and having your medicine come to you, allowing you to keep your patient status confidential.


Stay tuned for the big news when we fully launch our delivery service this summer!

To keep in touch, follow us on Facebook, Instagram, and join our mailing list below.

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