PAH Point of Sale Conversion

Hello All! I wanted to take this opportunity to introduce myself. My name is Dan Korpon, and I am the Chief Technology Officer for PAH. In October 2018, I left my position as a Senior Data Scientist at Anne Arundel Medical Center to focus my efforts on Peninsula Alternative Health and our technology and data needs. It’s been an exciting transition ending 2018, and I’m looking forward to what 2019 has to offer.

As many of you have seen, PAH is closing our doors for a day and a half beginning January 8, 2019 for our Point of Sale (POS) system conversion. Over the past year we have heard and felt the frustrations of our POS and how the flaws in the system effected your patient experience negatively.

We aim to provide the best experience we can and in this light we decided that something needed to change and the search for a new POS system began. To ensure the same issues we are experiencing would not be relived, we went through a thorough vetting process including visiting other dispensaries that were currently using the system to see it in action. After careful deliberation, we are excited to announce that we will be using THSuite as our new POS system!! By converting to THSuite we will be able to offer a more streamlined experience in house, but more importantly it will be the catalyst that allows us to offer services such as online pre-ordering and better integration with other apps, e.g. Weedmaps. This is a service that has been frequently requested by patients that aren’t looking for a traditional consultation or who are in a rush to receive their medicine. More details on the exact roll out date will be finalized in early February.

One thing I have learned from the past year is that when you try to change too much at once, or grow too fast, the quality of the product often suffers. This is something we will be addressing in 2019. Along these lines, with all the technology advances we will be making this year we will look to do things in a crawl, walk, run fashion. This means that we will release small portions of an enhancement / service offering at a time to make sure that they are all working together before moving onto the next thing.

As I mentioned previously, our POS upgrade will be the start of an enhanced patient experience at PAH in 2019.

Enhancements will be made not only on the transactional side, but also regarding your overall wellness experience. We are looking to be a conduit to provide as much information to you as possible, in the most easily digestible manner possible. In this light, we understand that not all patients digest digital well, so for those patients we will look to explore more traditional methods of knowledge sharing.

As with any change there will be bumps in the road, and for those bumps that will inevitably occur, I apologize in advance. Please know that we are always working tirelessly to provide the best all around patient experience to each of you. Please feel free to reach out to us with any feedback you may have.

Be Well,

Daniel FraleyComment