Progress - Construction Update June/July 2020

New signs are going up! We’re almost home!

New signs are going up! We’re almost home!

For the last four months our friends at Gillis GIlkerson have been working around the clock to bring our vision of a new PAH and Wellness campus to fruition. The transformation of the existing building to something completely new has been quite a sight to see, and we could not be happier with the final product. As the majority of the construction is coming to a close, we are re-focusing our time and attention on the smaller details to ensure the space is ready to exceed all expectations! 

Since our last construction update the interior of our new space has been completely transformed. The ceiling and floors have been installed, and our custom built sales counter for the PAH dispensary is in. We are currently working on installing a back-up generator that will ensure PAH can operate even if power is lost!  

To the right you can see our proposed “drive-thru” window!

Our new check out counter is MUCH larger than before!

One of the biggest difference’s patients will notice when entering the new PAH, is the flow to the space is much more in line with traditional pharmacies or retail outlets. The days of squeezing multiple people through one narrow corridor are over! Patients will feel much more comfortable sitting in the new waiting room that has plenty of natural light, and also in the new sales floor which has windows as well! We have constructed a large private consultation room inside the dispensary sales floor for those patients that need some extra help. This will allow conversations that should be private, to stay private! Another feature of the new sales floor will be wall space dedicated solely to our patients preferred vendors, so the best and newest products will be highlighted for all to see.  

The exterior of the building is currently undergoing some major renovations as well. To start, after seeing our patients satisfaction with the newly implemented curbside pickup, we understood the necessity to improve upon that. Although it is only temporarily allowed under MMCC regulations it is our hope to lobby for it to become permanent. With that being said, we have installed a “drive-thru” window and allocated 9 parking spaces to curbside pickup. This should allow us to continue to provide the best and most expedited curbside pickup option on Delmarva. Some additional operational plans are in the works to ensure this process is seamless to those patients that choose to use it. 

Two other equally important exterior projects are underway including the new parking lot and window treatments for all windows. The parking lot at the new space is huge affording over 50 spots! The parking lot is now under construction and is being completely re-paved and lined. We will offer at least (5) handicap parking spaces to those in need, and plenty of well-lit parking for everyone else. The windows are being replaced sealed and tinted to ensure the inside of the building remains naturally lit, but without the unnecessary heat of the summer.  

Ah, the smell of a brand new parking lot!

One of our new consultation rooms. As you can see, there is PLENTY of room!

One of our new consultation rooms. As you can see, there is PLENTY of room!

We are extremely proud of the new building we will be providing everyone and cannot wait to open the doors to show it off! As construction is coming to and end please stay tuned for announcements on an opening date and video explanations on what to expect at 1003 Mt. Hermon Rd.