What is RSO? (Rick Simpson Oil)


What is RSO?

RSO stands for Rick Simpson Oil, and is a thick and potent oil extracted from the cannabis plant which contains the full spectrum of the plant’s cannabinoids, terpenes, chlorophyll, and other plant matter.


How was RSO originally created?

Rick Simpson, a Canadian engineer, collapsed during work and developed tinnitus. Inspired by a 1975 study which showed a reduction in tumor growth in mice, Rick Simpson decided to take a stronger look into cannabis, eventually creating the potent RSO we have today.

Using cannabis oil, Simpson was able to manage all of his symptoms, but eventually developed a type of skin cancer called basal cell carcinoma in 2013.

By applying the oil directly to his skin carcinoma, he allegedly cured himself of cancer. 

Instead of creating and selling a product, Rick Simpson shared his processing methods with the cannabis community, leading to the worldwide use of RSO among patients with many different types of illnesses.


Source: Rick Simpson’s Official Website


Is RSO effective? How do you use it?

Although more studies need to be done, anecdotal accounts list RSO as beneficial for dealing with illnesses and diseases such as chronic pain, asthma, MS, epilepsy, and even cancer.

Since RSO contains a very high amount of THC, it needs to be taken in very small doses at first to prevent too strong of a high. 

As a complete full spectrum extract, RSO provides the ‘Entourage Effect’ of the combination of cannabinoids and terpenes which work synergistically with the body’s endocannabinoid system.

RSO has been shown, again anecdotally, to reduce or eliminate many symptoms associated with many types of illnesses.

RSO can be taken as capsules, which are pre-measured and can be ingested simply by swallowing with water. Concentrates are also available and often come in syringes for accurate dosing These can be held under the tongue, swallowed, or applied topically in order to be absorbed.

The taste can be intense and very strong, so consuming the oil with a piece of food is a great and effective way to receive a dose while masking the taste.


What RSO Products does PAH carry?

Peninsula Alternative Health carries a variety of RSO products for your convenience in either capsule or concentrate form.
Check out our Salisbury and Silver Spring menus for RSO from trusted brands such as Nature’s Heritage, Grassroots, and Remedi.


* Consult with your doctor before beginning an RSO regimen.

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