June 18: 2021: Policy Statement on Giveaways at Licensed Cannabis Retail Stores

Consistent with RCW 34.05.230, the Washington State Liquor and Cannabis Board (WSLCB) has published a policy statement concerning giveaways at licensed cannabis retail stores.

Notice of WSLCB Policy Statement #PS21-02 was filed with the Washington State Code Reviser on June 18, 2021 as WSR 21-13-093. The policy statement is offered in response to stakeholder requests for consideration regarding allowing cannabis retailer giveaways of an incidental nature.

Policy statements are agency-level documents declaring plans or intentions of an agency. Policies are different from procedures, standard operating procedures, or guidance because they apply to the entire organization and are primarily intended to set direction. In contrast, procedures or guidelines typically include specific instructions used to accomplish defined tasks that may be described in a policy.

Additional information can be found on the WSLCB Policy Statements webpage.

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