Marijuana Moment Reports “Marijuana Legalization Left Out Of New York Budget, According To Draft Summary Document”

If this is the case it’s a quick turnaround from a few days ago where media reports still indicated that cannabis provisions were still sitting in the text.

This isn’t good news for all those planning on some sort of market by the end of 2020.

Now, Marijuana Moment write…

The New York legislature seems poised to eliminate a proposal to legalize marijuana through the budget this year, according to an unverified document outlining the policies included in the spending legislation currently under final negotiations ahead of a vote this week.

The draft budget report, which was shared with Marijuana Moment, includes a line stating that the

“Adopted Budget omits the Executive proposal to legalize adult use cannabis.”

It also “eliminates $34.31 million in funding for the Office for Cannabis Management,” a government body that would have been responsible for regulating the marijuana market.

The apparent exclusion of Gov. Andrew Cuomo’s (D) legalization proposal, while disappointing to reform advocates, is not entirely surprising in the context of the coronavirus outbreak. While the governor repeatedly stressed that the policy change should be enacted through the budget, he and top lawmakers have tried to temper expectations in recent weeks as legislative priorities have shifted during the pandemic.

But to some, the draft adopted budget report isn’t necessarily a death knell for the reform move, and they hope lawmakers can still accomplish legalization this year through separate legislation.


Marijuana Legalization Left Out Of New York Budget, According To Draft Summary Document


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