California Offers Funds To Support Local Marijuana Business Development And Social Equity Programs

Marijuana Moment reports..

California officials are making millions of dollars available for grants programs to support marijuana social equity initiatives and assist localities in processing pending cannabis business license applications.

The state’s Department of Cannabis Control (DCC) said on Friday that it was opening applications for a Local Jurisdiction Assistance Grant Program, with a total of $100 million available to 17 cities and counties where there are a disproportionate number of provisional marijuana licenses, rather than full-year licenses.

Provisional licenses were allowed to be granted to business applicants as a way to more quickly stand up the adult-use market, and that temporary licensing category was set to expire on January 1 but was extended through the passage of legislation earlier this year to give localities more time to complete the permitting process and meet environmental requirements.

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California Offering Millions Of Dollars To Support Local Marijuana Business Development And Social Equity Programs

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