USA Today Report Reveals Vaping “Pioneer” Sold Spiked Vapes With Synthetic Cannabis “K2” “Spice”

This story has it all east coast financiers, Hollywood parties, mysterious vape brands and that’s only the start.

Here’s a snippet of their investigative report.

First up. Watch the spruik


It is the perfect parable for the current state of the cannabis , vape market. We do suggest you read it all.

By autumn 2017, Thompson and her partner formed another company, Mathco Health Corporation. Within a few months, Yolo spiked with synthetic marijuana – commonly known as K2 or spice – began appearing on store shelves around Salt Lake City.

Synthetic marijuana is manmade and can be manufactured for a fraction of the price of CBD, which is typically extracted from industrial hemp that must be farmed.

Samples tested at Utah labs showed Yolo contained a synthetic marijuana blamed for at least 11 deaths in Europe – and no CBD at all.

Authorities believed that some people sought out Yolo because they wanted to get high, while others unwittingly ingested a dangerous drug. What authorities didn’t understand was its source.

Investigators with Utah’s State Bureau of Investigation visited vape stores that sold Yolo, but nobody would talk. The packaging provided no contact information.

By May 2018, the case was cold. But it was not dead

Read full article:

This 2015 Westword article is very instructive too

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