Document: New York State Department of Health Publishes Proposed Regs For Hemp Extract & Cannabinoid Hemp Products inc CBD.

The US Hemp roundtable have had a quick run over the 63pp document and highlight the following


  • What’s there: Following on the heels of Kentucky, New York will become the latest state to explicitly authorize the retail sale of dietary supplements, food,and beverages that contain CBD or other cannabinoids.  This is particularly notable when it comes to food and beverages given recent enforcement actions by the New York City Department of Health taken against restaurants serving such products. Of note: New York would become the first state to impose limits for food and beverage products (25 mg of cannabinoids per product).


  • What’s not there:  Early discussions of the regulations raised concerns about the potential imposition of age restrictions on ingestible and cosmetic hemp products – a provision which would have been inappropriate and bad for farmers, businesses and consumers.  Thanks to advocacy efforts led by the Roundtable and some of its members (read our white paper here), we are pleased that age restrictions on ingestibles and cosmetics are not in the current proposal.




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