Colorado Supreme Court Asked To Rule On, “Can A Judge Tell A Coloradan On Probation Not To Consume Medical Marijuana? “

CPR News reports

The Colorado Supreme Court is considering whether it’s fair for judges to require a person on probation to provide additional proof of necessity for medical marijuana.

The Colorado case centers around Alysha Walton, who pleaded guilty in El Paso County court in 2017 to driving under the influence of alcohol and speeding. She agreed to probation, and Walton’s lawyer requested a hearing to ensure that Walton would be able to retain her access to medical marijuana while serving her sentence. Walton was told by the judge that her doctor would need to appear at the hearing.

It’s difficult to quantify how many people face these kinds of requirements from judges in Colorado. The most recent numbers from the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment show that more than 80,000 people in the state hold valid medical marijuana cards. El Paso County — where the case originates — is home to more than a quarter of the state’s medical marijuana patients, more than any other county.

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