Ron Lipsky — Cannatech London 2017

Why Medical Cannabis Companies Must Work Together

Ron Lipsky
MGC Pharmaceuticals
3 min readNov 22, 2017


A word from Ron Lipsky, Manager of Business Development and International Relations at MGC Pharmaceuticals.

I was lucky enough to be invited to give a talk at Cannatech UK several weeks ago, a fantastic event which brings together key figures in the Medical Cannabis industry.

This was a unique opportunity for me, as I realised I would be in a room full of my peers — like minded individuals who understand the benefits of Medical Cannabis and share my vision of creating a healthier world through its use.

Most people I speak to about the Medical Cannabis industry still don’t understand it’s full potential.. They giggle when I tell them about it, or they ask me if I can give them a free sample. It was this revelation that inspired the topic I would discuss at Cannatech UK: Why Medical Cannabis companies need to work together to change the public’s perception of the industry.

Every person working in this industry has faced the same image problems that I have. We work in an industry with three massive, highly competitive and often vicious industries leveraged against it.

An industry that will be associated with its underground past for at least the foreseeable future, as its legality struggles to gain global equilibrium.

An industry that needs to be taken seriously in order to achieve the lofty goals that we have all set for ourselves, which is to change the world and to make it a healthier, and better place.

All of us in this industry are here for a reason. We’ve suffered because we know there is suffering in the world that can be easily eliminated with the help of Medical Cannabis, but we haven’t had the chance to help.

And on a brighter note, we have seen the impact and change that Medical Cannabis products can have on people across the world, such as reducing seizures in children who would normally experience more than a hundred in a day.

What I’m saying is that in our industry, we know all about the good that Medical Cannabis can do, and it is our duty, all of us, to inform people about it as best we can. To guide them through everything we know, so that they can understand our industry a little bit better.

It’s the longer way around, for sure. It means more work for all of us. It means we have to learn more and be up to date on the science as well as the business. We need to ensure that we can explain concepts, that have taken us years to grasp, to people who are hearing about the potential of Medical Cannabis for the first time in their lives.

But it’s worth it. Every single time I explain what I do and why we are doing it, I have educated one more person, who can educate one more person, who can educate another, and another. This is something I call the ‘Realtime Entourage Effect’, which I have mentioned in a previous blog entry.

Therefore, I call upon all of you to do this every time you talk to someone, be they a doctor, a patient, a legislator, a distributor, an investor, a customer, a vendor, or even your barista. Because every time you don’t do it, we are missing a chance to change the world for the better.



Ron Lipsky
MGC Pharmaceuticals

Vice President, Business Development & International Relations