The Indian Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances Act of 1985

In 1985, Cannabis was banned in India after centuries of use due to the passage of the Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances (NDPS) Act.

The Indian Parliament is now reconsidering their stance on cannabis. On October 7, 2020, the National Level Committee for Reforms in Criminal Law sent out a public notice announcing they have opened a consultation on the NDPS Act. 
Specifically, they “recommend reforms in a principled, effective, and efficient manner which ensures the safety and security of the individual, the community and the nation; and which prioritizes the constitutional values of justice, dignity, and the inherent worth of the individual.” 
The committee’s action to recommend cannabis reform is an early and important step toward decriminalization and in many ways, returning to Indian roots. 
The Indian Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances Act of 1985

Cannabis has been used in Indian medicine for centuries, explain a panel of Ayurvedic doctors at a 2018 conference we attended in New Delhi


Hemp Heart
The soft, inner part of the seed under the protective hull is known as the hemp heart. Similarly to hemp husks, hemp hearts come from hemp seeds. Hemp hearts are an excellent plant-based protein source and provide superior nutritional benefits.
  • The increased usage of hemp as time elapses is inevitable. Not only is hemp a climate-friendly crop, it also requires far less water and land to yield optimal results as compared to cotton.
  • Hemp plants store atmospheric carbon and allow nutrients to be introduced into the soil, making it more fertile.

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