Saturday, June 1, 2024

CBD Could Be Part Of The Next Wave Of Antidepressants, Suggests Study

CBD proved effective at alleviating depression in mice, but scientists also say the effects were long-lasting — a result that suggests CBD could be part of the next wave of antidepressants.

One of the latest trends in the ever-evolving world of marijuana is the therapeutic use of the plant’s non-intoxicating compound, cannabidiol (CBD). People are leaning on this cannabis and hemp derived substance as a trapdoor from a variety of conditions from anxiety to chronic pain. Some folks even argue that CBD is excellent at snuffing out the symptoms of depression. And if the results of a new study carry any weight on the subject, it would seem that science concurs.

Researchers at the University of Sao Paolo published their findings in the medical journal Molecular Neurobiology, which shows that CBD proved effective as an antidepressant in mice. Not only was the substance effective at alleviating depression, but scientists also say the effects were long-lasting — a result that suggests CBD could be part of the next wave of antidepressants.

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According to a report from Leaf Science, the mice involved in the study were genetically bred to display symptoms of depression, like lethargy and immobility. In the lab, despite these animals being born down in the dumps, they became noticeably more active after receiving a dose of CBD.

Scientists also noted that the mice given CBD appeared to become less susceptible to the stress models of depression.

Photo by jim jackson via Pexels

All of this medicinal magic purportedly came within an hour after being dosed with CBD and the effects carried on for weeks later.

Scientists believe the results show that this cannabis compound could end up becoming a more effective antidepressant than the medicines presently on the market.

Other studies published on this topic throughout the years have turned out similar results. One, in particular, showed the use of CBD in conjunction with traditional antidepressants allowed the patients to consume fewer pharmaceuticals. This reduction in pill intake is important as it lessens some of the harsh side-effects these drugs are known for producing, like sexual problems, fatigue and insomnia.

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Although researchers admit that more studies are needed to get to the bottom of how CBD works as an antidepressant, the latest findings provide hope for the more than 300 million people suffering from this debilitating condition around the world.

But it is going to take some doing for a CBD-based medicine to be recognized for its ability to treat depression in the United States. A drug company would first need to spend years inside the bureaucracy of the FDA approval process. Additional research and clinical trials would be necessary, as well as billions of dollars just for a fighting chance at bringing a CBD-drug to market that could be prescribed specifically for this condition. As for now, no drug company has anything like that in the works.


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