Day 1 Sales In Illinois Reflect Oregon’s First Day Of Legalization

The Chicago Times reports…….Customers spent almost $3.2 million on legal weed in Illinois on the first day of recreational marijuana sales Wednesday, marking one of the strongest showings of any state in the history of pot legalization.

Illinois is the 11th state to legalize recreational weed, and only Oregon had a comparable first-day performance. That state also brought in $3.2 million in sales on day one.

“This is particularly impressive when you consider the long waits, supply shortages and sky-high pricing of products available at the limited number of dispensaries open,” Bethany Gomez, managing director of cannabis research firm Brightfield Group, said of Illinois in an email.

Thirty-seven dispensaries started selling recreational weed Wednesday in Illinois, including nine in Chicago. As lines stretched around blocks and through neighborhoods, dispensaries handed out free coffee, doughnuts and pizza to people waiting in the cold. The state said customers, many of whom were eager to take part in the end of marijuana prohibition, made more than 77,000 purchases at dispensaries.

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