Chilean Senate Commission Endorses Self-cultivation of Medicinal Cannabis

In Chile, the Public Security Commission of the Senate  has approved an indication to authorize self-cultivation of cannabis for medicinal purposes.

As reported by the Daya Foundation , the vote on the amendment took place in the context of the session for the “Anti-Narcotics Law.” In addition, the approved legislative text takes the essence of the “Safe Cultivation Law”, which seeks to stop the criminalization of patients.

In dialogue with 24 Horas , Ana María Gazmurri , deputy and founder of Daya, declared: “It is a great advance in this long and sustained fight, which we have carried out for so many years. It also comes at a precise moment, given that we see this massive support for the popular initiative for a constitutional norm ‘Cannabis to the Constitution now’. This accounts for the moment we are experiencing a paradigm shift and we are leaving behind old views on this matter “.

“It will be understood that there is proper authorization for the sowing, planting, cultivation or harvesting of plant species of the cannabis genus when it is intended for the manufacture of products derived from species, subspecies and varieties of the cannabis genus that have as their objective the attention of a medical treatment that has been prescribed by the treating surgeon through the corresponding extended prescription”.

“The prescription must contain the necessary dose, the duration of the treatment, and the mention of one or more of the diseases that can be treated with these products.”


Chile: Comisión del Senado Avaló el Autocultivo de Cannabis Medicinal

Related content: Chile: New President Gabriel Boric Revealed that He Smoked Marijuana at the University

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