Sunday, June 9, 2024

3 Things To Know About Fall Allergies And Marijuana

 Studies are just beginning to scratch the surface for individuals who are looking for healthier alternatives to regular allergy medications.

From the first sneeze to the first snow, many around the nation experience the trials and tribulations of seasonal allergies. The thought of treating allergies to weed with weed can make some pause, but the science is sound. 

According to Americans for Safe Access, decades of research led to a breakthrough in treating skin allergies when a team from the University of Bonn in Germany studied THC’s effect on inflammation. Already genetically engineered to not react to cannabinoids generated in their brain, the team used mice and found that the animals’ ears became red and swollen.

The scientists realized what this meant – that cannabinoids act like a brake, preventing the immune system from running out of control and triggering inflammation.

Using ointment with THC, researchers carefully applied lotion to the ears of the mice and found that the medicine had some remarkable effects. With less swelling and irritation, the THC seemed to alleviate some symptoms of skin irritation and allergies. 

The National Eczema Association also believes that marijuana or cannabis holds promise in treating skin conditions. They state, “Cannabinoids, however, have a powerful anti-itch effect. There are receptors in the skin that interact with cannabinoids that could reduce the symptoms and appearance of AD (atopic dermatitis). These effects happen through a constellation of interactions between phytocannabinoids and our endogenous cannabinoid system.” Simply put, natural chemicals secreted by marijuana or cannabis trigger a response from our own bodies. 

This Is What Happens When You're Allergic To Marijuana
Photo by Mojpe via Pixabay

So, how does it work? Humans have cannabinoid receptors. And when activated, much like the body sends white blood cells to an infection, these receptors can ignite to help fight an allergic reaction. 

RELATED: Here’s What CBD Can And Can’t Do For Your Spring Allergies

With so much known already about the potential benefits for marijuana on the skin, it’s no wonder studies are just beginning to scratch the surface for individuals who are looking for healthier alternatives to regular medications. In fact, a Eos Scientific recently unveiled research that showed in a study of 2000 U.K. adults: 

Here are three things to know about Marijuana and allergies:

CBD and cannabis may help block histamines

Released in your body’s system, histamine can cause major issues. From itchy eyes to a scratchy throat, histamine is your body’s reaction from antibodies appearing. CBD and cannabis products help reduce antibodies by blocking histamine, triggering less allergic reactions in the body’s system.

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Antihistamine treatments are just the beginning

With new studies happening all the time, researchers are just starting to connect the dots to the power of decreasing histamine in the body and the effect on lower histamine on multiple diseases and conditions. From Multiple Sclerosis to eye allergies, to brain cancer treatment, and even the risk of dementia,  scientists are looking at the powerful benefits and risks of histamine on the body. 

Cannabis is a heckuva anti-inflammatory

From eczema to joint pain, cannabis has been proven time and time again to help alleviate troublesome symptoms. Even better, researchers unlocked why cannabis is so effective at helping inflammation. With research showing that the genetic makeup of cannabis offers nearly 30 times the power of aspirin to inhibit inflammation, research from over three decades ago lit a spark in scientists overseas to better understand the genetic makeup of cannabis cells, beyond the reach of the US Federal Government.

RELATED: Here’s How CBD Lotion Can Help With Hives

Building a research superhighway, using molecules from bacteria and plants, Tarig Ahktar recently demonstrated the ability to circumvent the restrictions on place in studying cannabis, and find equal compounds elsewhere in the bodies of animals, plants and more. 


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With over a decade of experience, Dr. June Chin has focused on interactive osteopathic medicine for individuals with epilepsy, cancer, and autism.

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