St Lucia To Put Possession Measure To Vote At Next Parliamentary Sitting

It will soon be possible to possess up to 30 grams of cannabis without fear of arrest in Saint Lucia. Labor Prime Minister Philip Pierre will put the measure to a vote at the next parliamentary sitting. A debate already well advanced, since the deputies discussed the subject for five hours, this Wednesday, in the Assembly.

If the measure sees the light of day, Saint Lucians over the age of 18 will be able to carry up to 30 grams of cannabis on them. They will not be able to consume their cannabis in public places, under penalty of a fine of 470 euros (the equivalent of half a month’s salary). Minors arrested for cannabis use will be followed by drug addiction counselors.

Another announcement: the erasure of the lockers, retroactively, voted unanimously. Concretely, the government will release from prison those convicted of possession of less than 30 grams of cannabis. This could concern several hundred prisoners, according to Martinique La 1ère . “We know that these measures have affected many people for years,” admits Minister of Justice Leslie Mondesir.


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