Marijuana Moment: Local Michigan Lawmakers Reject Psychedelics Decriminalization Over Concerns About Possible Legal Liabilities

The East Lansing, Michigan City Council narrowly rejected a resolution to effectively decriminalize psychedelics in the jurisdiction on Tuesday, with the mayor and city attorney voicing concerns about possible legal ramifications of the reform proposal.

Local lawmakers voted 3-2 to defeat the measure, which would have made prosecutions of people over growing, possessing and distributing entheogenic substances like psilocybin and ayahuasca among the city’s lowest law enforcement priorities.

The whereas section of the resolution stated that psychedelic plants and fungi “can benefit psychological and physical wellness, support and enhance religious and spiritual practices, and reestablish humans’ relationship to nature.”

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Local Michigan Lawmakers Reject Psychedelics Decriminalization Over Concerns About Possible Legal Liabilities

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