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Summer Activities That Go Great With Cannabis

Summer Cannabis Activities

Ah, summertime! It’s the perfect match for some refreshing, relaxing cannabis. While cannabis is enjoyable year-round, there is something about the summer season that makes it so much sweeter. Maybe it’s the weather, the energy, or the abundance of activities happening this time of year– there are just so many ways to have fun!

As we all soak up the summer season, it’s a great time to try some new marijuana-related activities or products. So, we wanted to share some of our favorite ideas to help you enjoy cannabis this season!

#1 – Try cannabis before cooling off in the water

The summertime heat can be too hot to handle sometimes. But nothing is more refreshing than dipping your feet into a cool pool of water. You don’t even need a pool! There are lakes, beaches, and other natural pools of extra cold water to give you that tingly, refreshing feeling.

When you enjoy your cannabis before cooling off, that first dip in the water will feel even more refreshing!

Also, if you want to cool off while getting in touch with your inner child– try running through the sprinklers. It’s fun, nostalgic, and feels fantastic.

#2 – Create your own concert experience

You can’t deny that music sounds better after indulging in some marijuana. Unfortunately, live concerts are expensive, crowded, and very strict on security. So, why not make your own music event? Gather friends and some buds for the DIY concert. Every friend can create their own music playlist ahead of time, and you can take turns playing DJ while passing around a joint! You could even call it canna-chella (instead of Coachella) or something more creative.

Plus, you can dress up and gather some fun outdoor activities like painting or hula-hooping to really make it feel like a summer festival.

#3 – Take a THC walk

One of the best things to do during summer is to get some fresh air and take a walk outdoors. If you want to make the experience even more enjoyable, try some cannabis with a good friend before you go out walking. It’s nice to soak in the beauty of nature at its finest! The butterflies will look more majestic, the flowers will be brighter, and you’re bound to get into some great & down-to-earth conversation.

To make it even better, go out for your walk right before the sun is about to set. The sky will look magical as your walk continues!

Take a THC walk

#4 – Have a “pot” luck

Everybody knows that marijuana almost always gives you the munchies. Instead of opting for fast food when you’re high, prepare a potluck with friends! Everyone can bring their own signature homemade dish and their own cannabis edible as an appetizer! Once the appetizer kicks in, you’ll be thrilled with all of the delicious food you have waiting for you.

#5– Try a refreshing THC beverage

When the temperatures rise, it’s important to stay hydrated. If you’ve spent all day outdoors, the first thing you’ll want to grab when you get inside is a cool glass of water, soda, or even wine. But, if you want to make your drink extra fresh… try a THC beverage! While it’s nice to relax with a cool, boozy beverage, some people just prefer cannabis.

There are plenty of beverages coming on the market, and they work similarly to edibles. So, why not chill out after a long summer day with a new beverage? Luckily, you can enjoy the same aesthetic and refreshing first sip with a cannabis-infused drink! You can even get creative and play bar/budtender by adding some fresh garnish or flavored seltzers to make your very own cannabis cocktail!

#6 – Get stoned and go stargazing

There is no better time to look at the stars than during the summer. Take an edible or indulge in your favorite marijuana method, grab a blanket, a friend, and bluetooth speaker… then go look at the stars! The skies are clear, and as the night gets dark, you’ll start to feel that cool summer breeze.

The combination of cannabis, music, and the summer night vibe will make the stars seem brighter than ever.

#7 – Have a movie night

We highly suggest trying this on a rainy day! When you can’t go outside, just cozy up indoors and have a movie marathon. You can watch something new, one of your all-time favorite flicks, or even just enjoy the classic stoner comedy.

But don’t forget… you can’t have a movie night without the snacks! Grab some popcorn and candy to satisfy your munchies while the movies entertain you. It’s also nice to grab your favorite blanket and comfiest outfit to get the most enjoyable experience.

Get active at your local park

#8 – Get active at your local park

You don’t have to be an athlete to enjoy a sporty activity in the summer! You might not want to get buzzed before an intense rugby match. But you can definitely enjoy some cannabis before grabbing a football, frisbee, or even beach ball to toss around at the park.

It’s a great way to stay active (instead of getting stuck to the couch, which can sometimes happen with cannabis) while enjoying the seasonal summer weather!

#9 – Make your own edibles

It’s always fun to try something new, and there is a lot more free time in the summer to do so! Put on your chef’s hat and find a recipe for cannabis edibles to try making at home. You might surprise yourself with how good they turn out!

#10 – Do some yoga

Cannabis can make your outdoor yoga session feel much more down-to-earth. Whether you have your own yoga routine or are trying a guided flow for the first time– this is a great way to find your zen.

No matter how you choose to enjoy cannabis, don’t take the summer season for granted!

The season will fly by before you know it, so make sure to take the time to relax with cannabis and soak up all of the summertime fun.

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