Is Your Dog The Right Fit For CBD Treats? — The Best Dog Breeds For CBD OilPosted by On

CBD dog treats have become a staple product in the pet industry. Now that pet owners know the distinctions between CBD and THC, they seem more comfortable feeding their dogs a dose of hemp extract. Indeed, many financial analysts believe the CBD pet supplement market could be one of the most lucrative niches in the hemp industry.

Although CBD appears to be a popular choice with all dogs, some people are curious whether hemp works better with certain breeds. Is there a “best in show” dog breed that reacts most favorably to CBD supplements?

Firstly, there’s no “ban” against using CBD for certain dog breeds. As long as you’re vet gives you the “green light,” you can feed your dog high-quality pet-approved CBD supplements.

However, it’s more likely CBD will be beneficial if your dog breed is susceptible to inflammatory conditions like arthritis. Many animal studies suggest CBD has impressive anti-inflammatory properties. Indeed, one high-profile test from Cornell University showed that CBD oil had a positive impact on dogs with osteoarthritis.

Therefore, there’s a higher likelihood that hemp extract will dramatically impact quality of life if dogs are prone to inflammation. A few breeds susceptible to arthritic conditions include German Shepherds, Golden Retrievers, and Labradors.

Interestingly, data from Uppsala University suggests dogs with a long history of inbreeding tend to have a genetic predisposition to many disorders. According to their…

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