LCB Policy Statement: Security and Traceability Requirements for Marijuana [Cannabis] Licensees.

This policy statement describes marijuana licensee traceability reporting requirement adjustments that support transition from the current Leaf Data System to the Cannabis Central Reporting System (CCRS). The context and analysis of this topic are provided below.

POLICY STATEMENT: WAC 314-55-083(4) provides that certain information must be kept “completely up-to-date in a system specified by the WSLCB,” and outlines a complete list of required information in WAC 314-55-083(4)(a) through (p).

Under the CCRS system, “up-to-date” means a weekly report of the required information if there have been updates, changes or actions to any of the information described in WAC 314-55-083(4)(a) through (p).

Further, WAC 314-55-083(4)(h) provides that “[a]ll marijuana, usable marijuana, marijuana infused products, marijuana concentrates, seeds, plant tissue, clone lots, and marijuana waste must be physically tagged with the unique identifier generated by the traceability system.”

Under the CCRS system, all marijuana, usable marijuana, marijuana infused products, marijuana concentrates, seeds, plant tissue, clone lots, and marijuana waste must be physically tagged with the unique identifier reported to the traceability system.

All other reporting requirements remain the same.

Notice of WSLCB Policy Statement Number PS21-10 was filed with the Washington State Code Reviser on December 3, 2021 as WSR 22-01-021.

Policy Statements are agency-level documents declaring plans or intentions of an agency. Policies are different from procedures, standard operating procedures, or guidance because they apply to the entire organization and are primarily intended to set direction. In contrast, procedures or guidelines typically include specific instructions used to accomplish defined tasks that may be described in a policy.

Additional information on CCRS is available on the CCRS webpages. Information on LCB polies can be found on the WSLCB Policy Statements webpage.

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