Medical cannabis licenses approved for six companies in Georgia

The Atlanta Jnl Constitution reports…

ROCK SPRING — Georgia’s medical marijuana board chose six companies Saturday that will be allowed to sell the drug, a decision that will finally give registered patients a legal way to obtain medication first approved six years ago.

The announcement is a long-awaited milestone for about 15,000 patients who have been authorized to use medical marijuana oil since 2015 but weren’t permitted to buy it.

“It’s a blessing. We’re near the end of the tunnel,” said Jessica Reid of Atlanta, whose 4-year-old son, Emmanuel, takes marijuana oil to treat severe seizures. “It’s the only thing I’ve seen that can stop my child’s seizures.”

A packed room of about 200 people watched as the Georgia Access to Medical Cannabis Commission voted unanimously to select the six companies from 69 that had applied for licenses. State law limits the number of medical marijuana producers to six. Each licensee will be authorized to open five dispensaries.

The businesses will be able to sell, grow and manufacture medical marijuana oil, which can have no more than 5% THC, the compound that gives marijuana users a high.

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Here are all the commission’s press updates for 2021 published as of 29 July 2021


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