The Guardian: MAPS MDMA trials under review in Canada over alleged abuse of study participants

We have covered this  but it is interesting to see theat the Guardian have picked up the story…

All clinical trials into the psychoactive drug MDMA are being reviewed by Canadian regulators after complaints about abuse of study participants by a trailblazing American psychedelic research organization.

The California-based Multidisciplinary Association for Psychedelic Studies (Maps) has led the way in conducting trials into the medicinal qualities of the drug. In May 2021, it released results from a phase-three trial in the journal Nature on the benefits of the drug – commonly sold illegally as a powder or within ecstasy tablets – as a breakthrough treatment for PTSD, for which there is currently no effective pharmaceutical treatment.

But the government regulator Health Canada confirmed it had announced a review into the MDMA clinical trials sponsored by Maps that have in part been conducted in Canada, following a complaint that detailed “alleged investigator misconduct”.

The complaint was lodged by the producers of the New York magazine podcast Cover Story: Power Trip, who heard testimony from several former trial participants complaining about their treatment sessions with MDMA and psychotherapy.

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