Compass Wins Patent Case; MindMed Granted Patent For MDMA and LSD

Via Microdose

Last year, two of Compass Pathways’ patents were challenged by the nonprofit group Freedom to Operate. The patents covered the company’s synthetic form of psilocybin, and the challenge argued that Compass’ synthetic psilocybin wasn’t a new innovation and thus should not be patentable.

This week the Patent Trial and Appeal Board (PTAB) announced its decision on the case, agreeing with Compass’ patent claims. This was a win for Compass Pathways as it bolsters its IP and gives investors added confidence in the company’s prospects.

Freedom to Operate put out a statement about the decision, mentioning that despite the loss there could be a silver lining for future access to psilocybin manufacturing. See the full press release below.

“While we disagree with the decision to disallow our petitions for Post Grant Review, we are confident that the PTAB’s extremely narrow interpretation of Compass’s patent claims will provide generic manufacturers of psilocybin with wide latitude to produce and commercialize psilocybin without risk of violating the Compass patents”, said Carey Turnbull, founder and director of Freedom to Operate.


In other patent news, MindMed was granted a patent for the combination of MDMA and LSD. Known recreationally as “candy flipping” the patent is causing some controversy as there are already many prior uses of this combination. Ethical considerations aside, if the patent withstands challenges it will definitely add to MindMed’s IP portfolio.

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Compass Wins Patent Case; MindMed Granted Patent For MDMA and LSD

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