The DEA Wants To Add The Following Compunds To Schedule 1

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The DEA released a proposed rule change on January 14 to put an impenetrable-looking group of substances—4-OH-DiPT, 5-MeO-AMT, 5-MeO-MiPT, 5-MeO-DET and DiPT—into Schedule I. That’s the category currently shared by drugs including heroin, LSD and marijuana. Under federal law, Schedule I drugs “[have] no currently accepted medical use and a high potential for abuse.” They can’t be prescribed by a doctor, and any scientific research is subject to strict rules. And they’re heavily criminalized; distribution or manufacturing at least 10 grams of LSD, for example, is punishable by a 10-year mandatory minimum sentence, while simple possession can mean up to a year in prison. 


A Schedule I classification would make it illegal to possess, distribute, buy, sell, manufacture or research these five drugs. None are technically illegal as things stand, and they are actually sold by some manufacturers for scientific purposes. The DEA is accepting written and oral feedback on its proposed rule change until February 14.

“They are definitely being used intentionally and not substituted for other tryptamines.”

But what exactly are these substances? If the names look like alphabet soup to you, you’re not alone. They’re not as well known as LSD or psilocybin, but they may share similar effects. The famous chemist team Alexander and Ann Shulgin studied these and hundreds of other compounds at length, testing them on themselves and documenting the effects they felt. In response, the DEA raided their lab in 1994.

“[They] are definitely being used intentionally and not substituted for other tryptamines,” Mohawke Greene told Filter, referring to a chemical class of drugs that includes LSD and psilocybin.


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