OR: House Bill 3000 Passes – Aims To Help Law Enforcement Tackle Illegal Cannabis Operations

On Saturday, legislature passed HB 3000, a bill that Representative Lily Morgan (R-Grants Pass) co-chief sponsored to provide better protections for minors and communities related to more harmful hemp products that contain THC.

“For my community, House Bill 3000 is more than a lifeline,” said Representative Morgan. “For us, it is an opportunity for us to regain control of our community, freeing citizens of fear of safety and deteriorating quality of life.”

According to Rep. Morgan, the legislation was created with input from multiple resources, including both legal growers and law enforcement to better protect communities, especially in Southern Oregon.

Some of the impacts that the bill will have, if given final approval, will be to immediately prohibit the sale of hemp products that contain THC to minors, allows the OLLC and ODA to set THC concentration limits for hemp products sold in general commerce, expand ODA’s regulatory authority to license all manufactures of hemp products, include provisions to allow ODA to have a state hemp plan to submit to the USDA to allow ODA to effectively regulate hemp production and manufacturing in the state and support enforcements of illegal cannabis operations.

Last week Jackson County Sheriff Nathan Sickler stated that illegal cannabis, mostly marijuana, operations are booming across Jackson County and that more resources are needed to put a stop to these illegal operations.

The bill now heads to Governor Brown’s desk for her signature.

Source:  https://www.kdrv.com/content/news/House-Bill-3000-passes-Oregon-Legislation-to-help–574721531.html


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