Hoban Law To Take The Lead On Hemp Policy & Regulation In Africa?

New Frontier Data say that they  recently presented preliminary findings to the Zimbabwean government while working in collaboration with other regulators in the region to finalize what will be the first “rigorous assessments of both risks and opportunities of hemp cultivation in Africa.”

New Frontier data’s press release goes on to say

The ICA’s invitation-only event brings together industry leaders across the Nine Foundational Pillars of new cannabis markets, to share lessons learned and best practices with regional government officials and stakeholders. 

“More than 30 new legal U.S. cannabis markets have emerged, each with its own unique approach and path to market,” said the company’s Founder & CEO Giadha Aguirre de Carcer.

Dozens of nations around the world now want to know which model will work best for them.”

The Nine Foundational Pillars represented within the ICA include:

    1. Policy, Hoban Law Group (U.S.)
    2. Regulation, Hoban Law Group (U.S.)
    3. Taxation, CohnReznick (U.S.)
    4. Lab Testing, Steep Hill Labs (U.S.)
    5. Compliance, Simplifya (U.S.)
    6. Data and Reporting, New Frontier Data (U.S.)
    7. Cultivation, TheraCann International (Australia)
    8. Processing, Mountain Medicine (Canada)
    9. Patient and Customer Education, Lift & Co. (Canada)

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