New Report: Cannabis in Latin America: The Regulations and Opportunities (2nd Edition)

New from MJ Biz — probably worth a quick squizz if you are working in that part of the world although we imagine Brazil is far from attractive at the moment and Colombia hasn’t turned out the promise that everybody had hoped. Mexico though looks a better bet although we’d imagine the cartels will either want a piece of the action or will fight regulation tooth and nail.
Marijuana Business Daily International introduces our second edition special report dedicated to exploring the state of cannabis in Latin America and the Caribbean, focusing on regulations and opportunities in this rapidly expanding market. This exclusive report highlights critical market details and provides expert analysis on key markets in the region, including Uruguay, Colombia, Brazil, Peru, Argentina, Chile, Paraguay, Ecuador, Jamaica and Mexico.
Intended for investors and business operators looking to enter or expand operations in Latin America, this in-depth report is full of insights and guidance on how to tap into a market with global implications while weighing the unique challenges to investing or doing business within this region.
This complimentary report also provides extensive and unbiased, actionable information, including:
  • Country-by-country focus on barriers and available opportunities
  • Market forecasts and size estimates
  • Import/Export barriers and concerns
  • New updates on licensing and legal concerns by country
  • Exploring unique challenges of investing or doing business in the region


Download at the link

Cannabis in Latin America: The Regulations and Opportunities (2nd Edition)


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