Argentina: The National Administration of Medicines, Food and Medical Technology (ANMAT) To Allow “the importation of products containing cannabis derivatives for medicinal use.”

Pledge Times reports

The National Drug, Food, and Medical Technology Administration (ANMAT) It will allow the importation of cannabinoids, oils and other products with cannabis derivatives for treatments of up to 6 months, provided that the patient has a medical prescription and while they are not available in the national market. But, on the other hand, the registry created by decree in November to regularize the situation of those who grow the plant has not yet been implemented.

This Thursday the resolution of the Ministry of Health 654/2021 was published in the Official Gazette, which approves an “Exception Access Regime” to products containing cannabinoids or derivatives of the cannabis plant “Intended exclusively for medicinal use either for the treatment of an individual patient or within the context of scientific research.”

The resolution implements article 7 of Law No. 27,350 (2017), and is the first step to guarantee access to medicinal products derived from the cannabis plant designed to treat from pathologies such as chronic pain or insomnia to complex diseases, such as refractory epilepsy or autism, among others.

Importation, clarifies the resolution, “will be applied when there are no health records in the country of products containing cannabinoids or derivatives of the cannabis plant or when such products are in the research phase and exclusively for pathologies that have evidence of methodological quality ”.

No news for growers

On November 12, the Executive enabled self-cultivation for therapeutic purposes, through decree 883/2020, which creates the National Cannabis Program (Reprocann), a cultivation registry in which patients, relatives, friends or NGOs, who donate their crops in solidarity, can register.

However, three months later, there was no progress in implementation. “We see with concern that the start-up of the registry continues to be delayed,” he assured Clarion Valeria Salech, president of Mamá Cultiva. “The cultivators are still in illegality and, although it is a somewhat gray illegality because there is a regulation that enables self-cultivation, in recent months the raids on therapeutic us

Medicinal cannabis: the Government enables the importation of products but the registration for growers is not implemented

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