Charlotte’s Web Launches New R&D Division

The company, a leader in hemp-derived CBD extract products, has created an internal research and development division led by a former healthcare executive to focus on the science of hemp-derived phytocannabinoids, terpenes and flavonoid compounds.

Charlotte’s Web Holdings, Inc. has created a new internal division focused on research and development of minor cannabinoids.

Charlotte’s Web Labs (CW Labs) will expand the company’s work on hemp derived phytocannabinoids, terpenes and flavonoid compounds, including cannabidiol (CBD), cannabidiolic acid (CBDA), cannabigerol (CBG), cannabinol (CBN) and cannabichromine (CBC).

“The launch of CW Labs formalizes our reach into the science, efficacy and safety of hemp plant compounds,” said Deanie Elsner, CEO of Charlotte’s Web in a press release. “CW Labs demonstrates our commitment to innovation and our cutting-edge position with consumer wellness products derived from our proprietary hemp.”

CW Labs will be headquartered at the Buffalo Niagara Medical Campus in Buffalo, New York, where it will collaborate throughout the State University of New York’s network of 64 national and international research and medical institutions. CW Labs and have an additional office in Boulder, Colo.

CW Labs is currently conducting double-blind, placebo-controlled human clinical trials for several need states.


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