Medical Cannabis Network Editorial Advisory Board Announced

They write, “Launching this month and featuring the latest medical cannabis insights from leading health and industry experts, our new Medical Cannabis Network Quarterly publication will cover all aspects of the cannabis industry from the research and science behind the plant to investment, cultivation, supply chain, products, pharma, policy and more.”


To mark the launch, we are pleased to announce our new Editorial Advisory Board.

All four members of the Editorial Board have volunteered their time to offer independent advice and assistance in order to support Medical Cannabis Network’s commitment to providing up to date content regarding the cannabis industry.

Our board members are all experts in their respective fields, from science to industry to education.

Medical Cannabis Network is delighted to begin working with the board and are excited to share with our readers dynamic new developments in the world of medical cannabis.

Meet the board

Anne Schlag

Research Manager at Drug Science and Honorary Fellow at Imperial College London.
Anne Schlag

Anne Schlag completed her graduate studies and PhD in Psychology at the London School of Economics and Political Science; and worked for several years as Senior Lecturer at King’s College London.

Her expertise ranges across the spectrum of risk perception, management and communication, taking in mental models and social representations. Schlag has a keen interest in national and international drug policies, related regulatory challenges and public communications.

Being a member of the Drug Science Medical Cannabis Working Group, Schlag’s current research focuses on the controversies surrounding medical cannabis and the application of MultiCriteria-Decision-Analysis to assess benefits and safety.

Deepak Anand

CEO and co-founder of Materia Ventures and board member of the Centre for Medicinal Cannabis in the UK.

Deepak Anand

Deepak Anand is recognised as a thought leader in the global cannabis space. Anand currently serves as the co-founder and CEO of Materia Ventures, a Europe-focused supply and distribution company for medical cannabis and CBD products.

Anand previously served as Vice President of business development and government relations at a Canadian cannabis consulting firm; vice president of a Health Canada-licensed producer; and as a board member for various pharmaceutical associations across Canada, the United States and Europe.

Serving on a number of for-profit and non-profit boards, Anand is, most notably, on the boards of the Centre for Medicinal Cannabis in the UK and Canadians for Fair Access to Medical Marijuana (CFAMM). He was most recently appointed as Vice President for Canada’s National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws (NORML).

Peter Comerford

CEO of Anspec and MD of Australia and Asia-Pacific for The Flowr Corporation, expert pharmaceutical supply and complex logistics, hi-tech manufacturing, consulting, public and private healthcare.
Peter Comerford

Peter Comerford has a Master’s degree from the Smurfit Graduate Business School and extensive experience working with private equity partners. Comerford brings strong business and healthcare knowledge and senior clinician engagement skills to the board.

Currently CEO of Anspec, a specialised pharmaceutical and medical wholesaler supplying to 35+ countries and one of the largest distributors of medicinal cannabis in Australia, supporting government contracts and acting as an industry advisor to government at both the state and federal levels, Comerford is also Managing Director for Australia and the Asia-Pacific region for The Flowr Corporation, a medicinal cannabis manufacturer and distributor with operations across Australia, Europe and Canada.

Professor Jennifer Martin

Chair of Clinical Pharmacology, University of Newcastle; Director of the NHMRC-funded Australia Centre for Cannabinoid Clinical and Research Excellence (ACRE).Jennifer Martin

Professor Jennifer Martin is a dual-trained clinical pharmacologist and physician and Chair of Clinical Pharmacology in the School of Medicine and Public Health at the University of Newcastle, Australia.

Martin is also Director of the NHMRC-funded Australia Centre for Cannabinoid Clinical and Research Excellence (ACRE), Australia’s first federally-funded research centre in medicinal cannabinoids to ensure quality and safety in the implementation of medicinal cannabis use in the community.

Martin leads the largest international medicinal cannabis trial, the first of its kind, enabling access to cannabis medicines for a significant advanced cancer population; and is part of Australia’s first medical cannabis trial to produce world-class pharmacokinetic analysis and sophisticated modelling to inform drug dosage and frequency of administration.

She is also lead chief investigator on an AUS$1.96m Cancer Council NSW pathways grant to develop a personalised chemotherapy dosing system for cancer patients.

Based at the Hunter Medical Research Institute, the former Rhodes Scholar leads a team of pharmacy and medicine experts together with pharmacoepidemiology and pharmacoeconomics to contribute to both optimised medicine policy and use in the clinic.


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