Sacramento Cannabis Industry Association Announces $250,000 Grant Program Commitment to Provide Resources to Support the City’s CORE Applicants and Grantees

Here’s the press release…

The Sacramento Cannabis Industry Association (SCIA), an organization dedicated to advancing and creating awareness around the many positive impacts the cannabis industry and its diverse participants have on the local communities in which they operate, today officially announced their Cannabis Cares Grant Program that will provide $250,000 in monetary and in-kind contributions to assist new dispensary license holders. SCIA also will provide consulting services during the City’s RFQ and RFP process to applicants in need.

“The SCIA will provide each new license holder a $5,000 monetary grant and a $20,000 in-kind grant of cannabis consulting services, which includes vital business services such as compliance management, human resources, access to private business capital/loans, security and employment training,” said Robert Baca, SCIA’s Executive Director. “We also are excited to partner with the California Hispanic Chambers of Commerce, the California Asian Chamber of Commerce, and the California African American Chamber of Commerce to work with each recipient to provide these grants and resources.”

On October 13, the Sacramento City Council unanimously approved 10 new dispensary permits that will be awarded to applicants that have participated in the City’s Cannabis Opportunity Reinvestment and Equity (CORE) program. The City will be selecting individuals through a competitive RFQ process, which the City plans to open to the public before the end of the year.

“The City recognizes the importance of providing valuable resources to our cannabis community to ensure the success of their business,” said Davina Smith, Sacramento’s Cannabis Manager. “We are pleased that the Sacramento Cannabis Industry Association and several of their member organizations have pledged their support to work with the new CORE license holders and the City in our efforts to increase the diversification of the cannabis industry.”

To qualify for the license, city residents must meet pre-determined requirements, such as earning below an income threshold, residing in specific zip codes most impacted by the War on Drugs, or having a prior arrest for a cannabis-related charge.

About The Sacramento Cannabis Industry Association

The Sacramento Cannabis Industry Association provides a united voice for small businesses; advances and protects local jobs and the economy created and supported by the cannabis industry; educates the public on the benefits of the cannabis industry in their communities, and promotes equity and inclusion with businesses small and large that share in protecting and growing jobs in the Sacramento region.

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