CBD-Infused Tampons Offer Safe And Effective Alternative For Menstrual Pain Treatment, Study SaysPosted by On

By Lucía Tedesco via El Planteo

The use of CBD-infused tampons as a treatment for menstrual pain has been the focus of recent study.

The project, already published and set to be featured in the March 2024 edition of the Journal of Endometriosis and Uterine Disorders, suggests a reduction in pain among its participants, thus opening new possibilities in the treatment of primary dysmenorrhea.

Researchers aimed to treat severe menstrual cramps, striving to alleviate pain with fewer side effects than conventional anti-inflammatories. The lead author is Valentina Milanova, a health professional and the CEO and founder of Daye, a company that manufactures CBD-infused tampons.

Determining The Efficacy Of CBD-Infused Tampons

The study involved 114 participants, aged between 18 and 45, who used either CBD-infused tampons or regular tampons. Various levels of pain, including vaginal irritation and systemic toxicity, were assessed over a three-month period.

“The findings indicate the potential of CBD-infused tampons as a promising option for managing menstrual pain. Further research and exploration of this innovative product can contribute to the management of primary dysmenorrhea,” researchers concluded. They also suggested that further research and exploration of this innovative product could contribute to the treatment of primary dysmenorrhea.

Specifically, the study’s results showed that between 37% and 40% of participants experienced improvements in vaginal dryness and overall…

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