Oregon Department of Human Services Oregon Psilocybin Services Publish Inaugural Newsletter

Here’s what they are saying in this, their first, newsletter

Spring has sprung!

Welcome to the first Oregon Psilocybin Services team Quarterly Newsletter!

For this first newsletter, we’d like to introduce ourselves…


The Oregon Psilocybin Services Section

The Oregon Psilocybin Services (OPS) Section includes three programs housed in the Center for Health Protection of the Oregon Health Authority – Public Health Division. As a team, OPS is working to implement the Oregon Psilocybin Services Act, codified in Oregon Revised Statutes in ORS 475A: Psilocybin Regulation. We currently have 6 staff working to develop 3 programs focused on: Policy and Engagement, Licensing, and Compliance. Each program will center on health equity, including outreach to communities and working to ensure safe and equitable access to psilocybin services.

The Oregon Psilocybin Services (OPS) Section is fee-based, which means that the cost of operations must be covered by the licensing and application fees. We will begin accepting applications for licensure on January 2, 2023. Until then, the Oregon Psilocybin Services Section is in a development period, working to build the nation’s first regulatory framework for psilocybin services. This includes:

  • establishing rules by the end of the year
  • developing a psilocybin facilitator training program approval system
  • license tracking and compliance case management system
  • securing and customizing a product tracking system
  • working on online payments for licensees
  • GIS mapping for compliance work
  • an equity and justice centered approach to background checks
  • continuing to hire for our licensing and compliance teams
  • setting processes and procedures for each of our programs
  • supporting the Oregon Psilocybin Advisory Board and subcommittees
  • keeping our website updated for access to important information
  • building partnerships with diverse communities
  • creating education and training for our regulatory community and the public

Our team would like to thank members of the Oregon Psilocybin Advisory Board and subcommittees, Rules Advisory Committees, partners, community members across the state, and members of the public, who have volunteered time and energy to provide comments and recommendations during this development period. We deeply appreciate the collaboration and partnership, and we are listening.


Cover of Psilocybin Community Interest Survey Findings Report Last month, OPS published the Oregon Psilocybin Section Community Interest Survey Findings Report which summarizes survey responses from over 4,420 community members. Ninety-four percent of survey respondents indicated interest in accessing services, and eighty-nine percent of those respondents live in Oregon.


Reasons of interest for accessing psilocybin services:

Bar-chart showing reasons of interest for accessing psilocybin services: (1) general well-being, (2) depression, and (3) anxiety



Also, in case you missed it, OPS held a series of three virtual public listening sessions in December of 2021. The listening sessions were two hours in length and open to the public. A short overview of Measure 109 (M109) was presented at the beginning of each session. The remainder of time was reserved for open public comment, which was focused on a different topic each day. Spanish interpretation was provided at all three sessions. After the listening sessions, OHA staff compiled feedback across the three listening sessions and created a document that summarized questions and answers. The listening sessions were recorded and will continue to inform future program development, educational materials, and community engagement. You can access the recordings and summary document here.

OPS will be scheduling additional public listening sessions this summer. We will provide Spanish and American Sign Language (ASL) interpretation and will provide additional language and accessibility support upon request. We hope you will join us!



OPS is required to adopt all rules by the end of this year. Community participation in the rulemaking process is vital to producing clear, effective, and equitable rules.

In February, Rules Advisory Committees (RACs) discussed draft rules related to three specific sections of the rules: Products, Testing, and Training Programs. Updated rules for these sections are now ready for public comment.

This public comment period spans between April 1st  and April 22nd. Please keep in mind that this public comment period is only for a sub-section of the rules, those related to Products, Testing, and Training Programs. OPS will convene additional RACs later in the fall to establish the remainder of administrative rules. Invitations to apply to serve on future RACs will be posted here and sent out to the mailing list by the end of July.


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