CA: Arcata City Council Councilmember Sarah Schaefer Agrees To Lead Psychedelics Decriminalization Proposal

Marijuana Moment reports

Another California city is pursuing a resolution to decriminalize psychedelics, with an Arcata City Council member agreeing to sponsor the measure.

Decriminalize Nature Humboldt announced on Friday that Councilmember Sarah Schaefer agreed to lead the resolution, which would make enforcement of laws against entheogenic substances like psilocybin and ibogaine among the city’s lowest law enforcement priorities.

The group says they plan to discuss the reform measure with other local lawmakers over the next month.

“This resolution is consistent with the beliefs held by many Arcatans,” Schaefer said in a press release. “The decriminalization of entheogenic plants and fungi is an important step away from the war on drugs while expanding opportunities for research on the medicinal benefits of these plants and fungi.”

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Third California City Seeks To Decriminalize Psychedelics


Decriminalize Nature Humboldt

on Friday

Our press release was published on Kym Kemp!

From press release:
“On June 27th, 2021, Decriminalize Nature Humboldt met with Arcata City Council Member Sarah Schaefer about introducing a resolution to the city council to decriminalize entheogens within Arcata city limits. Schaefer agreed to sponsor the resolution.

The resolution to decriminalize entheogens in Arcata would establish that the investigation and arrest of persons for planting, cultivating, engaging in practices with, or possessing entheogenic plants and fungi or plant compounds shall be the lowest law enforcement priority for the City of Arcata and reprioritizing funding away from the arrest of individuals engaging with entheogenic practices. The City of Arcata has many other priorities for the use of its funds, staff, and law enforcement resources.

“This resolution is consistent with the beliefs held by many Arcatans. The decriminalization of entheogenic plants and fungi is an important step away from the war on drugs while expanding opportunities for research on the medicinal benefits of these plants and fungi. Research shows that these plants have the potential to help overcome anxiety, depression, substance abuse, and so much more, something that could be enormously beneficial to any community” said Sarah Schaefer, Arcata City Council Member.

“Decriminalization of plant and fungi medicines in Arcata is the first step to right the wrong of the failed drug war. Nixon’s war was based on disrupting and arresting members in the civil rights group and anti-war group, not to protect people from substances and those who take them. This decision was based upon politics, not science” said Danielle Daniel, Lead Organizer of Decriminalize Nature Humboldt.

“Decriminalization of entheogenic plants and fungi creates attainable pathways toward healing, particularly for those living with treatment resistant mental health conditions, and creates safe, ethical, and equitable access to sacred medicines of the earth. All human beings should have the right and ability to cultivate relationships with these sacred plant teachers, and the healing journey they invite us to embark on” said Taylor Albamonti, Decriminalize Nature Humboldt Activist.

The Decriminalize Nature Humboldt group is hoping to meet with more members of the city council over the next month.”

#decriminalizenaturehumboldt #decriminalizenature #humboldtcounty #arcata


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