Press Release: PsiloThera, Inc. a Leader in Psychedelic Healthcare Innovation Announces the Filing of U. S. Patents Protecting Its Proprietary Psychedelic Therapeutic Process, Tele-Mental Healthcare & Microdosing Online Platform

HENDERSON, Nev.Sept. 9, 2021 /PRNewswire/ — PsiloThera, Inc. is a pioneering Psychedelic Healthcare Innovation & Life Sciences Company in early stage  development of Psilocybin (“Magic Mushroom”) based drugs and therapies proudly announces the Filing of U. S. Patents Protecting Its Proprietary Psychedelic Therapeutic Process and Tele-Mental Health & Microdosing Platform.

PsiloThera’s clinical focus is the development of treatments for Mental Illnesses, Cognitive Diseases & Neurological Disorders.

PsiloThers’s Tele-Mental Healthcare & Microdosing Platform will provide specialized programs which significantly increase the access to focused-evaluation and life-changing therapy for Veterans, 1st Responders and Patients with treatment resistant mental illnesses.

PsiloThera CEO, John Atanasio states, “PsiloThera’s  first U.S. Patent filing is just the beginning of our intellectual property portfolio strategy to protect  PsiloThera’s scientific and medical discoveries, technology breakthroughs & proprietary therapeutic processes.”

The U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) announced  in June 2020 that  Tele-Health “VA Video Connect”  appointments increased by 1,000% between February and May of 2020. The Pandemic has clearly accelerated the consumer adoption curve of Tele-Health.

PsiloThera, Director of Research, “Chaplin Chuck” Atanasio, Retired Army Major, Chaplin, Behavioral Scientist and Iraq War Veteran stated, “For over 20 years, I have  dealt with Military mental health and spiritual issues in a wide array of clinical  and non-clinical settings.” “The breakthrough research surrounding Psilocybin creates a major game changer for many Veterans  suffering from  Chronic Depression, Anxiety, PTSD as well as long-term Suicide risk.”  “It is both life-saving and life-changing.”

According to “Chaplin Chuck,” For my entire Military career I  have been involved as a 1st Responder and Trainer in Suicide Intervention and Prevention.” “On an annual basis, I trained  hundreds of Military personal in Suicide  Prevention and now more than ever, Veteran Suicide is an area of monumental and urgent need.”

“Given the magnitude of the situation, Tele- Health is the most effective way to reach our Vets  and 1st Responders and  to give them the  critical care they need and deserve.”

“Also, Mental Health Professionals will greatly benefit by using PsiloThera’s Tele-Mental Healthcare & Microdosing Platform to easily refer Patients for psilocybin therapies. “I am absolutely passionate about helping our Vets and 1st Responders as well as partnering with the Mental Health Community.”

PsiloThera is among the first companies focused on developing novel therapeutics by deploying Quantum Technology, Artificial Intelligence (AI), Machine Learning (ML) and that it plans to collect and send materials through organic devices.

PsiloThera’s battle tested management team will operate its vertical business model  which includes: Fungi Grow, Research & Development, Drug & Nutraceutical Development, Tele-Mental Health Platform and PsiloThera Treatment Centers.

The Journal of American Medical Association- “JAMA PSYCHIATRY” reported in a 2020 study that a treatment of Psilocybin “Magic Mushrooms” works much better than usual anti-depressant medications.

PsiloThera just launched a Crowdfund Campaign at 


John Patrick Atanasio,
(720) 431-8722 
email:[email protected]

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