Diversity, Inclusion and Social Equity Committee of the California Cannabis Industry Association (CCIA) Isssues Report On Social Equity Programs

A report issued by the California Cannabis Industry Association  looked at seven jurisdictions that have social equity programs and found them lacking.




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“California’s cannabis social equity programming is not working as intended,” concludes the report, which lambasted the programs for falling far short of their intended goals.

The report was written by the Diversity, Inclusion and Social Equity Committee of the California Cannabis Industry Association (CCIA).

“(Social equity) grants are issued by the state with little accountability, while local programs stall and funds remain unallocated,” the report noted.

“Applicants are waiting years for local approval, yet paying thousands of dollars in rent for property that has yet to be utilized.”

The CCIA report focused on cities and counties that were among the first to receive state funding under a 2018 law, the California Cannabis Equity Act, which provided millions of dollars in grants to Long Beach, Los Angeles, Oakland, Sacramento and San Francisco as well as Humboldt and Mendocino counties.

The report found that, despite well-intentioned plans, the participants in most of those social equity programs had been underserved and unable to get their businesses operational.


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