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8 Different Ways To Consume Marijuana

If you want to experience the effects of marijuana, smoking isn’t your only option. Today there are many different ways to consume cannabis, whether it be orally, via inhalation or even by applying it to your skin.

Everyone likes to consume cannabis in different ways and each method has its own pros and cons. Trying marijuana in different ways can also have different effects- some are more potent and some give a longer-lasting high.

Here are 8 different ways to consume cannabis for you to decide on your personal preference.

1. Smoking Marijuana

The most obvious choice, it goes without saying that marijuana can be smoked. There are, however, different ways to smoke it. Rolling your weed with tobacco can give a milder high. You also have a choice of rolling papers or even rolling in a blunt wrap, so there’s plenty of options for marijuana smokers.

For smoking cannabis, you’ll need to buy flower product, grind it up, and roll it. You can also get readymade joints and blunts to smoke straight away.

Many people prefer smoking due to its ease and convenience. While smoking cannabis can have effects on your lungs, it’s much less harmful than smoking cigarettes.

2. Bong/Pipe

Using a bong or a pipe is an alternative method of smoking cannabis that has many benefits over rolled cannabis.

Bongs have a cooling effect on your smoke, allowing for a smoother hit. You can control dosage easier and only use a small amount at a time. Using a bong can also transfer more THC into the bloodstream than regular smoking, giving you a better high.

While bongs are better for home use, you can also get portable marijuana pipes to use on the go. These make smoking extra convenient, as no grinding or rolling is needed. Just put some dry herb into the bowl and smoke. Pipes and bongs also come in many different varieties. Glass products are the most popular.

3. Vaporizing

Vaping involves heating cannabis without burning it. That means you can inhale and enjoy all the positives of cannabis without the negative health effects. One study even found vaping can improve respiratory function. This method is becoming increasingly popular due to the positive health effects as well as being a convenient method of consuming cannabis.

Vaporizers can come in all shapes and sizes, including bags and glass vaporizers. Vape pens are especially popular- you can carry these anywhere for an effective portable vaporizer. You can vape dry-herb or oil products and it’s generally cheaper and safer than smoking.

4. Edibles

Another highly favored choice. Marijuana edibles are easy to take, effective, and they taste good. You can get these in all kinds of forms. Whether you enjoy marijuana brownies, cookies, gummy bears or chocolate bars, there’s an edible product for you.

Edibles can give a powerful and sustained high lasting from 4-12 hours, depending on the dosage. Many people choose these to get the maximum effect from the THC in their products.

You can cook your own edibles but it’s best to buy readymade edibles. These can give you dosage information so you don’t go over your limit. Beginners should avoid taking a dosage of any more than 10 mg. 2.5-5 mg is fine for first timers.

5. Dabbing

Dabbing involves burning a high-THC cannabis concentrate using a blowtorch and a rig to get an intense high. Dabs are concentrates including shatter, butane hash oil (BHO), and wax.

The dabbing rigs available today make it easy to dab. However, this method isn’t for beginners. Marijuana concentrates used for dabbing are usually high in THC, giving you a much stronger high than you might be used to.

6. Cannabis and CBD Oils

A lot of medical marijuana patients use CBD oil to reap the medical benefits of cannabis without any psychoactive effects. It’s been scientifically proven to relieve pain and help with many health problems.

Many states where marijuana is illegal still allow the use of CBD oil in the treatment of ailments such as PTSD, anxiety, arthritis, chronic pain, and even cancer.

You can also get cannabis oil high in THC which gives you all the same effects you’d get from smoking or vaporizing, for instance.

You can use CBD and THC oils in many different ways. Many customers choose to vaporize them using a vape pen. You can also get capsules, making the ingestion of cannabis oils easy.

7. Tinctures

Similar to edibles, tinctures allow you to absorb THC straight into the bloodstream in liquid form. You can experience the effects of tinctures simply by dropping 1 mL on your tongue. You can raise the dosage over time for longer and more potent effects.

You can also infuse any kind of liquid with tinctures. Add them to tea, juice or even things like soups for a simple way to get the effects.

The high given by tinctures is similar to edibles, so you can expect to feel the effects within around 15-45 minutes and the high can last for hours. Given that it’s easy to control the dosage, many marijuana users use tinctures as a healthy smokeless consumption method.

8. Topicals

Topicals are products such as balms and lotions which you can apply directly to the skin for the healing effects of marijuana. They’re infused with cannabinoids such as CBD, THC, and THCA and perfect for medical use.

CBD-infused topicals won’t get you high, but they will give you the positive health effects you’d get from CBD oil. This makes them safe and easy to use for anyone looking to reduce things like anxiety and pain. CBD topicals can include things like bath bombs and body butter.

Things like transdermal patches can deliver THC to the bloodstream, giving you a discreet and long-lasting high. These can give you effects lasting for hours, as well as medical benefits.


Many people don’t enjoy the harsh effects of smoking marijuana. But luckily, today offers more convenient methods of consuming cannabis than ever. Those seeking medical effects are best off using CBD oils, topicals or CBD edibles. Those looking for a powerful high can benefit from vaporizing and THC edibles. There’s a wide variety of products to try, so feel free to experiment and find out what’s best for you.

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